Milena or Alexandrine?

Milena or Alexandrine to max? Don’t have a blue healer outside CKiril (who is a staple for me in my blue 3,1,1). Leaning Milena for the big boom option/VF cleanse, but feel like Alexandrine would boost my titan scores. Russula and Frosth are my other blue options sitting at 3/70. I have the scopes for 2.

Thanks in advance for advice.

Current Defense - Toxicandra, Skadi, Khiona, Odin, Vanda - in reverse V. Hold 2400-2600 Cups


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Do you have Jott? If yes then I would max Milena first.
Also Alex can work pretty well on titans at 3^70 so I woukd probably max Milena first anyway.


Millenia, and for Titan, Jott can be used, and IMO Jott is better over Alexandrine, higher attack stat (if emblemed, cheaper emblem over Alex) and Jott damage deal, consistense +att tiles, Alexandrine crit only chance and only outside from weak spot.


I have Jott but not maxed yet, I hit a string of blues on pulls so there is quite the line :slight_smile:

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milena as she is jack of all trades

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I just maxed Milena yesterday so have limited experience with her but she is proving to be a great addition to my top tier offensive teams. That mix of healer and finisher is so convenient and really allows you flexibility in terms of team composition and board management making her quickly one of my favourite heroes. One consideration always is the emblems you have as well as how quickly you generally replenish your mats like telescopes.


Milena, Milena and Milena


was just gonna ask the same question, considering i got lucky and pulled both.
hence started working on Milena

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