Alexandrine + Jott?

Question: Would Alexandrine’s enhanced tiles for critical chance and Jott’s enhanced tiles for extra attack synergize/stack or would one overwrite the other? I know slightly different skills can stack on heroes but didn’t know when it comes to altered tiles? If they synergize then I could see the possibility for some really good red titan scores.

Unfortunately they would overwrite. Only 1 buff can be applied to tiles at a time


Kind of thought so. I could still see maybe using both, especially if specials are fired at different times. I currently usually use Kiril on my mono-blue titan team for extra attack to stack with Miki as well as the defense boost and a little healing. I can see her maybe taking over that spot?

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Experiment with it. Alexandrine is on my list to ascend but just finished Milena, and probably finish Morel next. Let us know how it goes.

Well, won’t be too soon. Just pulled Alexandrine today and also just remembered that I currently have no scopes lol

We can reconvene in 2023 :slight_smile:

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Sounds about right :laughing:

I think she can be effective at 3-70. Maybe not replace Kiril totally. Do you have his costume?

So far Alex has been underwhelming as the crits rarely show up. Jott is a reliable bet for titans as you can mana him up hen the board is all glittered up

Yes, I do have his costume. I used to use it all the time because I ran him and Boldtusk together a lot and that gave me attack boost and attack down instead of them overwriting each other. Now I use regular more because I use better defense down heroes(ie. Morel). I can still see using her instead of Kiril on titan team because would get about same healing and the critical chance would probably outweigh Kiril’s little attack boost on top of Miki’s, plus better attack stats for tile damage. Also, I think she would be an upgrade on my mono-blue raid attack team. Kiril will still get some love, though

This was already asked and answered back in Alexandrine first hit beta.