Last month got a bit lucky, pulled Aradia, Milady, Tremor. Mats only can ascend 1 Red (10 Ring) and 1 Blue (9 telescope). All of them are wizard class and currently only have 1250 emblem. I have cobelt max level 1lb, full emblem but almost never using him again. Also have Milena full emblem, rarely use her.
The quetion is, who I should leveld up first?
When I can level up 2 blue (Tremor and Milady), should I take emblem from Cobalt and Milena (assuming Aradia also level up full emblem)?
Any good scenario?
Milena still sees use, alot more than Cobalt. Milady is great. i see her on alot of defenses these days. Cibalt is decent on offense, provided you have more 5* ninjas, but i think he’s outclassed by Sobek
Hard to say which one to level first. I would probably go with Milady.
But I also have to ask why you dont use Milena? She is awesome and the mana boost can be super useful. I recommend to experiment with her a little bit. Build a few teams around her and do some raids. And if you still dont think you are going to use her more often because you have better support heroes in blue, only then take her emblems away.
I have to say, mine is being used quite regular and she would be one of the last heroes I’d take emblems from.
Here’s a poll for you, since it looks like the options are between two blues.
Milady de Winter
Agree with everyone that Milena is a great and versatile hero, so IMO I wouldn’t strip her of emblems. Cobalt on the other hand is not as outstanding these days.
I bring C Ariel most of the time.
as consideration, this is my blue heroes: C Ariel (LB emblem), Gailard (LB emblem), C Finley (LB emblem), CC Magni (emblem), Himeros (emblem), Cobalt (LB emblem), Lord Loki ( LB emblem), Milena (emblem), Alexandrine (emblem), Skadi (emblem), C Krampus, C Isarnia.
My other wizard heroes: Arco (LB emblem), Alfrike (LB emblem).
Yeah I know Milena is a great hero, I want her so much before and I got her from soul exchange but nowadays her stat like outdated. I’m so dilemma now.
One more vote for Milena! She’s amazing and I use her all the time….
For your poll - I voted for Milady! Once she fires, it’s usually game over. I support her with Myoin and Ogima for boosted health and mana generation and she’s an absolute beast!
I don’t find her outdated at all. Reasons I choose her over Ariel: For heal and cleanse she charges faster (5 tiles). If I don’t need the cleanse, I wait for her second charge. Deals a decent amount of damage to all and gives a guaranteed immediate mana boost to all allies. I also had plenty of situations where the enemy was about to fire there specials and my hitters just a tiny bit away from being fully charged. In these situations i activate Milena’s first charge and 50% of the time it gives that mana boost to elimate that enemy that otherwise would get me in trouble after my next move. I have to say though, I don’t see her as a primary healer. I always take an extra healer with her.
I would start with Aradia and Tremor and take emblems from Cobalt. Milena is great because of her versatile use. Mylady is awesome in rush, if you have a blue lvl29/27 magic or styx troop to use with her, I would put her before Tremor. Otherwise Tremor first.
But whatever you decide, with those top class heroes you can not reslly make a mistake.