đŸ’« Memento Rare Quests

It was earlier than expected because they gave an extra quest after War bug. Farholme should spawn today the latest;)

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Hope they arent trying to “make it up” for the early shrikewood AW bust. :smiley:

Any mathematical geniuses able to divine when the next event (Farlhome Pass?) Is roughly to begin?

My bet is before Avalon
oh sorry you were looking for Math geniuses. Never Mind.

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@Mariamne do you have infographics with new quests hero talents?

I don’t finish all but i don’t know if i could publish or not ?
and when ?
@Kerridoc @Rook @Petri


Let me know when finished. I’m happy to add to the growing list. :smiley:


Version 18 is released, so I think all the class stuff is now free game to post @Mariamne.


Thanks @Kerridoc
@Rook my sweet cat >> 🩾 Memento Heroes Classes and Class Trial Quests


Thank you for your great work.
Later add this in my spreadsheet of Quest calendar

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So Mount Umber’s getting close, need these rings, im really short on those, ‘‘probably’’ my scarcest AM

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Gems 2 popped so Umber must be around the corner.

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Yup, just got my rings, need two more tho :expressionless:; thats like 4 months if i dont find them earlier.

ps: btw love @Mariamne threads.

Shrikewood March 1st

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@Mariamne. I just have to say that I appreciate your guides. I use them a lot and they are great.
Merci beaucoup


FrostMarch 7 March.

20 capes

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Farholme was recent too, I believe it came during the weekend (Saturday or Sunday?)


Frostmarch today :slight_smile:


Mount umber soon I hope :upside_down_face:

Farholme Pass June 17.

Cant wait for Umber too, hope in a couple of days.

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