Here is the TENTATIVE May 2023 Calendar of Events in multiple formats. In some cases it is VERY TENTATIVE needing further confirmation and/or dates and I have emphasized this in certain spots. Please note, I have combined respective creators’ calendars under one subject arrow to shorten the post a bit.
Many thanks to the collaborators for their time and efforts…
PlayForFun, littleKAF, birksg, VEIVE, Mandy, IsaHurricane, Junim, ColdHands, zephy, ArktikaTF, Dark Shadow, and Tdipd.
If you notice any errors please let us know so we can get updated versions posted.
As with all E&P calendars, featured heroes are tentative. Dates are also tentative and may be changed (notably the rare quests, but as we’ve seen, they’ve been pretty regular on Mondays, which is quite nice).
Here is the start of several calendars by @birksg,Mandy, @VEIVE, and myself. Please note that there are some items we are needing confirmation or dates on so we will have further updates for you when the information is solidified.
As always - thank you to everyone who contributes to make these resources available for everyone. Always will be especially grateful for the B&W calendar since I can’t see variations of the colors red & green. Thanks for making our lives a little bit easier!