Yeah, could be 15. Can’t remember the number but it had 5 in it lol. This is the reason he has 195, not 190 or 200.
You are correct.
Just went back to a comment in september, identifying the lack of 2 fulls pulls.
No, was September the first time goblins were introduced? Then that is 195 coins. After that they actually gave 2 full pulls by adding in extra coins because people were complaining not getting two pulls. Now they returned it to 195 coins?
It’s either a bug or they’re pulling a sneaky, expecting people to not notice. Even e&p is suffering from shrinkflation
No its ALWAYS been 180 pulls from the quest. Never more, never less, and they gave usually 25 freebies on the site store. I think they have given 15 before too
Congrats! Don’t drink chai today, V. Too much caffeine following an exhilarating gamble is not good for the heart.
Bad case of good luck? Have only ever pulled goblins twice out of 400 pulls, but classics like to rain down.
Again, congratulations for Kettle!
My third Kettle and second Boom &Fang. I’ve pulled eight goblins in total so five of those eight are garbage. It’s results like that that make me want to quit this game.
@PlayForFun …thanks for all your hard work.
These silly portal odds are making it easy to not spend.
I have fixed it, thx for noticing me.
Here we go milking again the same events over and over.
Happy to have got my Guard hero: Karil.
And my Goblin hero: Carver!
3* from event to event…
Was looking for one of the newer ones, but these are both new to me and smarttongue is still wanted by me. Never hurts to have more depth
Tbh she’s more useful than ever. Congrats
i got both the new ones in one pull and prefer your two
Friar tuck and bane. Was well worth the effort working through the levels…