Nicely done @Silencio ! That’s a hard challenge. Not sure I will try it myself, I was mostly combining words . Impressive though, you certainly made it seem easy!
Same team as last time. Joon and hansel have emblems now. Used 2 small mana and one large I didn’t really need too.
Monk joon cleric hansel will prob take to +7 and that’s it. Trainer saved.
Team Last Time
Team This Time
Same as before, and I forget to take screenshot.
Only have 3 left minor mana, because of Events.
Not so good setup at boss wave, but decent.
Finished without items…
Cleric saved for now, MN is already at +19 (optimal and not going to add more). Monk keep for now. Trainer also keep for now, will use for Onatel later after ascended, have 6th darts, but will wait Thorne to be maxed 1st.
Wow, just wow… congrats…
Too risk to try… with vanilla 4* only. I’ll pass for this challenege
My team this time:
- Chef Boldtusk +20
- Wilbur +20
- Joon +19
- Gafar +18
- Candy Skittleskull +18
I honestly had forgotten who I used last time and that Boril was one of the bosses, so I ended up swapping out Queen Sabina +20 for Skittles. Otherwise, same crew as last time.
Mob waves go down slowly, but I was able to maintain all heroes’ specials charged and a purple diamond going into the boss wave. Honestly, I didn’t even have a particular strategy this time. Just hit as hard and fast as possible and hope Tuck didn’t fire too many times. As it turns out, that was enough. Each boss fired once, but Joon’s was mitigated by Wilbur’s awesome buffs, and I basically didn’t even notice Boril’s, since I just fired at Joon (not covered by riposte) until the fight was basically over. Didn’t miss Sabina that much, although in hindsight, not allowing Wilbur’s spirit link to attach to the bosses, probably would have been smart. No matter; with spirit link active, they tend to kind of go down all at once, which is fine.
Monk emblems saved for one of Raffale (almost maxed), Leonidas (since I’m coming up on six darts again), or Yang Mai (fingers crossed to pull her next month!) Cleric emblems saved for Hansel, who I pulled this week and am itching to unleash on these cleric trials. I feel like I’ve been one more cleric hitter away from doing some good stuff for a while. Trainer hero to Justice.
Just got Mist to 3/60, so decided to give the final a go.
The team:
the result:
Mist’s buff block came in very handy in the final board. i also held off on wu kong until i could get cBrienne’s defense down in place, hit with Mist to prevent riposte/mana buff, trigger Wu Kong, fire Skittles. rinse and repeat. only needed some mana pots for Rigard (who was all the way down to 3 hp at one point!) for healing, and an axe to debuff Joon one time when Skittles attack debuff wore off right before he was about to fire.
Trainer to Kadilen (almost done!), clerics to cRigard#2, monks to… not sure. probably wu.
This is my second time completing the Trials of Piety. I used the following team:
- Mist (max level)
- Li Xiu (max lvl and 18 emblems)
- Boril (max lvl; max costume for bonus and 18 emblems)
- Costume Queen Sabina (max lvl; 15 emblems)
- Wu Kong (max lvl; max costume for bonus and 20 emblems)
The items I took in: axes, bombs, time stops, minor mana potions
The difference between this time and last time is that I used Queen Sabina instead of Rigard. No items used. Among Mist reducing mana generation, Li Xiu cutting mana, and Queen Sabina dispelling buffs/making enemies immune to new buffs/regenerating hit points for my guys, my Boril barely had anything to do! (though I’m sure the enemy Boril was quite frustrated by my approach because he never got to riposte me). Wu Kong did his thing making tile damage chaotic and unpredictable, though mostly favorable. Gotta love that guy!!
Cleric emblems to Rigard (recently got his costume, which I am psyched about). Monk emblems to storage for now. Also, I got a reset emblem, which I am very grateful for (do we all get reset emblems at the same trials, or is it random?).
Well, I completed it with this: Rigard +11, Mist +111, Boril +9, Elkannen +1 and Joon +6. I didn’t even think to use costume BoldTusk. Used a couple of axes, some mana pots and one timestop. No dispeller is a pain.
After having finished the challenge, I came back to my “normality”… and two of my heroes died. I had to try 5 times to revive them with MN.
Once Joon died, the battle was really easy. Boril and Friar tuck are just two walls.
Trainer to G. Chacal, and the emblems will be saved as I don’t have enough to take any 5* cleric hero to the next node and the monk ones don’t have a candidate.
Good luck and take care.
Same team as last time used some mana. Bosses Basically withstand near enough everything this battle haha
Emblems in storage levelling 2 clerics and 2 monks atm so will have to give them some as will be on my war offence teams.
Trainer Leo.
Team this time:
cLianna+0 out, Liz+19 in. No particular synergy or strategy being employed here, just using highest emblemed heroes and seeing where it takes me.
Mob waves were easy enough, but I couldn’t setup the board just right before the last mob died to an untimely cascade, and I didn’t even have all my heroes charged up! Not the greatest start to the boss wave for sure. Joon fired at cLianna and that blind was super annoying. Considered throwing an antidote at her but wanted to see if I could finish with no items. Board was full of greens and yellows at this point, so just matched them away, fired Mist and cLianna again, and hoped red tiles would show up soon enough for a heal. Eventually they did show up, along with purple tiles, and Joon was the first to go, followed shortly by Boril. Towards the end it looked like this:
Fiends are really great for countering Fat Tuck, not that his heal is hard to deal with anyway. Managed to finish with no items used.
Emblems and trainer saved.
My team this time:
- Queen Sabina +20
- Wilbur +20
- Joon +19
- Gafar +18
- Hansel +18
Compared to last time, I went back to Queen Sabina for healing instead of Chef Boldtusk +20, and I also inserted my shiny new Hansel for Candy Skittleskull +18. This may be the beginning of the end for her if I get a new sorcerer that I want to emblem. Her main use was being the “at least she has high tile damage” cleric on my roster. Finally feel like I’ve got all the tools in the tool box for this trial. Dispel/block buffs? Check. Mana control? Check. Heal block? Check. Defense down? Check. Damage dealer? Check. Let’s do this.
Mob waves were a classic example of what can happen when you only bring one healer and don’t get enough tiles for her. Almost had to resort to healing potions in the mob waves, but I made it through. On the bosses, fire at Joon as the most dangerous enemy who also has crap HP. He goes down easily. Boril is next, since he’s nearly dead by then anyway. Hansel and Gafar start to show out at this point, keeping Tuck’s healing mostly at bay. Tuck eventually goes down, and this trial finally doesn’t feel like a slog anymore.
No idea what to do with cleric emblems now that Hansel is finished. Thinking maybe Mnesseus, since I’m really hard up for new clerics. Monk emblems would have been saved for Leonidas, but last night I landed Yang Mai! So saving them for her instead. At least Leo got the trainer hero!
Yeah,Mist and Wilbur is a must here
Went with 4 Holys and a Deathless Princess .
Could have gone mono with either Vivica or Lady Wool, but cSabina would be more useful against Boril if Mist didn’t manage to block the riposte on time.
Went into the bosses with everyone charged. Joon was the biggest threat so he went down first. Boril and Tuck went quickly after. No items used.
Monk emblems reserved for Yang Mai. Cleric emblems are as usual either for Mist, Lady Wool, Grazul, Grimble, or Malicna…
Trainer hero to Joon’s costume which is nearly done
Edit: Joon’s costume is already level 79 so the trainer is going to Poppy instead
Team Last Time
Team This Time
Try to use 2nd Mist instead of Gafar.
Decent start at boss wave.
Boril can not add his buff because of Mist.
Finished without items…
Emblems both keep for now, Trainer keep for 2nd Griffin until he is at 4th tier.
Congrats on your challenge, thats awesome and hard to achieve!
Second change in a row to the team. Today went with:
Santa +10 - Rigard +cbonus+7 - Wilbur +20 - Rigard +cbonus+19 - Elizabeth +4
It’s not the best team and a bad board could have been punishing, but i had a pretty lucky final board with a red diamond. With Santa and Elizabeth firing back to back, it was no contest: too many minions for me, too many fiends for the enemies.
Monk emblems will go to Elizabeth, cleric in store. Trainer to Vivica.
Somehow forgot to take a healer (rigard or vivica). Went with wu kong+18, mist+18, li xiu+20, wilbur+18 and Reuben+5. Had to use a few bombs, 5 healthpotions and a antidote, but managed with 2 heroes still alive.
Took the exact same team as last time, the only difference being that Mist is now at 4/15 instead of 3/60. so:
Rigard +16 - Mist 4/15 - Skittles +1 - Brienne +18 - Wu Kong +4
the result:
yikes. this went so very poorly compared to last time. i had a good board going into the final fight, green diamond prepped, everybody charged, etc. and then it dried up forever. i never got enough green tiles to charge up Brienne and Skittles again. the slash attacks were very painful. and of course Joon took out Mist and Brienne before they could be useful a second time. i barely managed to make it with Rigard hanging on at the very end, and using all my items (axes/bombs) and mana potions to keep Rigard alive. i was saving that last axe in case i got Joon down below 200hp but a lucky cascade and it was done. was really worried i wouldn’t make it.
i can’t wait to get Malicna to 3/70 for this and the Trials of Fortitude. i have a feeling it will go so much faster with her, and maybe I can finish the Fortitude finally. i should have Sumle maxed also by the time this rolls around again, that should help as well.
Trainer to Li Xiu, Monks saved for Yang Mai, Cleric for Rigard #2.
New team went bad haha … Joon and hansel out yang mai and elk in… No items used.
Monk yang mai cleric elk trainer wu kong…
Some new heroes made this one fun again.
A couple of HoTMs in Malicna and Yang Mai bring the damage and elemental links. Grazul for healing spam, blocks Joon’s blindness, and more Red mana boost. Sabina’s costume form dispels and blocks Boril’s riposte. Barbellborg’s special reduces the defense of all 3 final bosses because they have the same DEF.
That is all in theory anyway. In actual use, cSabina is crunchy and almost got 1 shot by Joon. Had to use some small mana potions to heal her. Things went much easier after Joon was killed though.
Trainer to 2nd Leo. Monk and cleric emblems still undecided. Probably to Malicna and Yang Mai. Seriously considering transferring Sumle’s emblems to Eichy since the strongman is useful both against Titans and in Challenge Events.
Went in without healers… Rigard and vivica are usually in costume, and “not an option”, so my brain just doesn’t register them as options… The first 2 levels I don’t really need them, but the third ons is harder… decided to try anyway, with a few items I managed anyway (Wilbur and Wu can be really damaging, but board was and I misjudged the last monsterwave, so wasn’t charged. Oh well, plenty of items left.