[Master Discussion| - Legendary Troops and Legendary Troop Portal

Only this one.


Did 16 more pulls. First 10 were all rares (c’mon). Next 6 gave me this:

Phenexa found her buddies it seems. And Khufu. And future Hathor if I ever manage to get her.


And Ignazio, and the most common BoldtuskC1 and maybe many others again!

Congratulations :wink:

Pretty sure this game hates me. After 140 pulls and getting nothing last time, I have done only 20 pulls this time and got two of the dark troops.

I have none of the meta heros that would benefit the most from dark troops. My best hero would be an vanilla not limit broke +20 Ursena or the same except Bera.

I have a double limit broke +20 Laohu
Single lb Khufu. Phenexa, Ebba, and El Duque.
Same for Tarlak
Dbl LB Alucard and Cardinal Richelieu.
Single LB Esme

Literally any other color would have did me fine and I get two darks from separate single pulls. Thanks, I guess.


That’s annoying, sorry to hear! RNG likes to punish us like that. In the last legendary troop summon I pulled 6 yellows and not even some of the other colours

Hope you get better luck with future summons :cry:

I think the cooldown period is really shabby. I converted one of mine when they were first released and I still have 7 days to go —- yet they recently released round 2 of legendary troops.

It’s too much like right for them to really do us a solid
 NOT. And you guessed it - we used to clamour about ham
. now it’s iron. Iron is needed for our battle items and well everything else — the fix? To buy iron of course

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I went on and on till I got something. Received yellow sorceror and green monk.

What I needed most was reds and purples. Zero. Will convert what I need.

Thankfully not blue. I can’t use a blue for these 2 classes.

Last round it was red, green and purple. And I needed yellows more.

Next round is probably rogue/paladin. Most of mine are fast and won’t benefit unless I have the costume. Looks like I can sit it out next round.

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6 days and 12hrs more left over on the conversion cooldown. 28 day cooldown is actually flying by pretty quick. Also gave me time to mull it over

Thank you and you as well. In the mean time I will trade you my two dark troops for one of your holy troops. Ha.

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Pick the troops you wish to obtain the most:

  • Defense aliments are 8% less effective
  • +5% HP on received healing, once per turn
0 voters

  • Attack buffs are +8% more effective
  • -10% to damage from aliments
0 voters

  • +10% aliment resistance
  • -8% direct damage from enemy’s special skill
0 voters

  • Attack aliments are 8% less effective
  • +8% direct damage from hero’s special skill
0 voters

  • +15% critical hit chance
  • Defense buffs are 8% more effective
0 voters

Why you made this choice (main reason):

  • Bonus being superior to the alternative
  • Bonus fitting the hero classes
  • Choice made due to troops stats
  • Choice made due to emblems availability
0 voters

I don’t like that they came up for sale a second time before the first cooldown was past.

Planning on doing a paladin/rogue for Ludwig and/or Deadboot once the cooldown is gone. It pains me that I only have a mana troop for this conversion, but since the towers that make ETTs useful seem to be banished for the foreseeable future, it was my only option

What is the feeling about the attack/defense version of the troop in my case, where I would be using it with Ludwig on defense, but Deadboot on attack?

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Easy a think just instead off getting -34% deff down you only will get -26% deff down.

Since it takes roughly 4 weeks to convert one Legendary troop, making the decision on which troop to convert and which class to convert to is not an easy one. Especially with the resources needed and the non-reversability. Add in the fact that the mana bonus currently maxes at 11%, it becomes a more complex decision for those in the synchronized x-tiles PvP camp.

To help with the choosing, I decided to group and divide the heroes based on the class and speed. I prefer the troop is convert to will give the class bonus to as many of my heroes as possible. And the information about mana speed will be useful too. What resulted was a kind of matrix like the one below for Dark Barbarian/Druid.

Dark 5* Barbarian/Druid

Dark Ninja Magic Styx Very Fast Fast Changing Tides Average Slayers Slow Very Slow
Barbarian Kageburado Obakan Domitia C2 Goseck
Khonshu Obakan T Mok-Arr Lu Bu
Uthragan Seshat C Ommodus
Druid Agrafena Freya Darkfeather Chakkoszrot Boss Wolf
Hannah Killhare C Griffex
Jabberwock C Salmon Loki Marie-ThérÚse C
Sargasso C Quintus C2
Ursena C Viscaro

This is meant for personal use, but if anyone else finds them useful, I’ll share the other colours/classes as well as do one for Epics since I can see using 5* troops to make my 4* heroes stronger in wars.


Got lucky and found a raid player with a fighter and a legendary fighter troop to test how much it reduces a defense down debuff:

That Thunderclap has 1560 defense during battle. My C-Kiril debuffed his defense with -34% resulting in 487 less defense.
487/1560 = 31.2%

34% - 8% = 26% :x:
34% x (1 - 8%) = 31.28% :white_check_mark:

1560 x 31.28% = 487.968 = 487 defense reduction

=> imho that feels a bit underwhelming

edit: Thunderclap reminds me of someone that likes walking barefoot at home and that has kids that play with lego bricks


Has somebody tested how much the 15% crit chance from assassin troops actually is?

Does the legendary assassin troop increase the total crit chance by 15%? So with 15% approx. every 6th-7th hit is a crit?
Or does it increase the already existing crit chance by 15%? 0% crit chance then become 0%?

Assassin troop: critical modifier: “Grants +15% critical chance for the character this troops is equipped on.”

4* crit troops: critical “Increases the chance for critical strikes that do double damage.”

Phenexa special: “All allies get +30% critical chance for 4 turns.”
Shar’Khai special: “All allies get +20% critical chance for 5 turns.” and “All allies get +35% critical chance for 5 turns.”
Vela’s special: “Element Link gives all Ice allies +10% critical chance for 6 turns.”


I don’t know why, but it seemed obvious to me

like this one, but you gave me strong doubts, so I decided to check it out right away (based on this I chose my first legendary troops :open_mouth: )
So I chose purple heroes with 0% chance of a critical hit:

Luckily I managed to land two critical hits with the purple tiles, so I calmed down :wink:


Thank you for testing!

This 15% crit chance makes the assassin troops the legendary troops that look the most attractive to me. They are basically improved crit troops with 11% mana generation.


Ah there we go, found the other half of the free pull lol

Ready to get my feeder
 setting my expectations low :stuck_out_tongue:


For me too, and since I don’t have any single hero class dominating my dark heroes, I chose these.
Shark is very happy :wink:

Whoever finds it, rejoices
 I keep forgetting about the daily rewards, so I will only have the first half at most :confused:


I plan on converting a holy troop tomorrow. I like some other elements, I don’t have a clear best hero to pair my troop to.

I decided I’m going with the sorcerer/monk troop. Since both classes come with a 4% mana node, I won’t run into a situation where a legendary troop on a fast hero won’t shave a tile. I was considering the fighter troop but it’s just not worth it if I can’t use it on all of my fighter heroes.