[Master Discussion| - Legendary Troops and Legendary Troop Portal


New Legendary Troops

There are 10 new Legendary troops per each element.
There is one troop for each hero class and element.
So there are 50 new Legendary troops in total.

The Legendary troops have 30 levels, and at fully leveled state they give various stat boosts, and 11% mana generation increase.

The troops can be used on any hero classes, but they give extra stat boosts and a passives for main and secondary classes

Legendary Troop Class specific Passives

List of Passives
Passive name Passive effect
Extra Healing The character this troop is equipped on receives extra 5% health once every turn if health is recovered…
Increase Status Effect Attack Attack buffs are 8% more effective for the character this Troop is equipped on.
Increase Status Effect Defense Defense buffs are 8% more effective for the character this Troop is equipped on.
Status Ailment Damage Reduction Damage caused by status ailments is reduced by -10% for the character this Troop is equipped on.
Attack Ailment Reduction Attack status ailments are 8% less effective for the character this Troop is equipped on.
Defense Ailment Reduction Defense status ailments are 8% less effective against the character this Troop is equipped on.
Resist Status Ailments Character this troop is equipped to has 10% chance to resist status ailments.
Critical Modifier Grants +15% critical chance to the character this troop is equipped on.
Special Skill Damage Reduction Direct Special Damage taken by the character this troop is equipped to is reduced by -8%.
Increased Special Skill Damage Direct Special Damage done by character this troop is equipped to is increased by 8%.

The numberic values in passives are at the same level on a Level 1 troop and a maxed Troop.

Legendary Troop properties

The Troop names seems to be the same for each element, and their propeties, class and passive is the same for each element per troop name.

The troops gives these stat increases on the main and the seconday class at max (30) level:

  • 6% attack
  • 6% defense
  • +15% health

They also give a specific Passive for these two classes.

The troops have these propeties on max (30) level:

  • +11% mana generation for all troops

List of troops and their properties

Text version
Troop name Image Main Class Secondary Class Attack Defense Health Passive
Majestic Minotaur kép Barbarian Druid +27% +20% +25% Increase Status Effect Attack
Unwavering Cleric kép Cleric Fighter +20% +27% +25% Extra healing
Enchanted Ent kép Druid Barbarian +23% +24% +25% Status Ailment Damage Reduction
Unstoppable Fighter kép Fighter Cleric +24% +23% +25% Defense Ailment Reduction.
Mighty Monk kép Monk Sorcerer +25% +22% +25% Resist Status Ailments
Elite Knight kép Paladin Rogue +22% +25% +25% Increase Status Effect Defense.
Eternal Hunter kép Ranger Wizard +26% +22% +24% Attack Ailment Reduction.
Unseen Assassin kép Rogue Paladin +26% +21% +25% Critical Modifier
Royal Sorcerer kép Sorcerer Monk +21% +26% +25% Special Skill Damage Reduction
Eldest Wizard kép Wizard Ranger +22% +26% +24% Increased Skill Damage

Level progression of the Legendary troops

Legendary Troop leveling needs Iron and of course feeder troops.
Class specific properties are only changed at every 10 level, where there is an Emblem cost too on reaching these levels.

Legendary Troop leveling common data

The XP for a level and iron cost / troop is the same for all legendaey troops.
You can see the list of them bellow.

Common troop leveling data
Level XP / Level Iron cost / troop
1 200 7000
2 275 10000
3 350 13000
4 425 16000
5 500 19000
6 575 22000
7 650 25000
8 725 2800
9 800 31000
10 875 34000
11 950 37000
12 1025 40000
13 1100 43000
14 1175 46000
15 1250 49000
16 1325 52000
17 1400 55000
18 1475 58000
19 1550 61000
20 1625 64000
21 1700 67000
22 1775 70000
23 1850 73000
24 1925 76000
25 2000 79000
26 2075 82000
27 2150 85000
28 2225 88000
29 2300 91000

Progression for Class specific properties

They are changing on every 10th level only, and you need emblems when you reach that specific level.

Level Attack Defense Health Emblem cost of the level Change
1 1% 1% 5% - -
10 6% 1% 5% 25 Main class emblem +5 Attack
20 6% 6% 5% 50 Main class emblem +5 Defense
30 6% 6% 15% 75 Main class emblem +10% Health

Guides about Legendary Troop Progression

Guides by Zartanis

Legendary Troop Summon


:spiral_calendar: Schedule

# Start Time End Time Avaliable Legendary Troops Duration
1 2024-01-04T07:00:00Z 2024-01-07T07:00:00Z Fighter + Cleric 3 Days
2 2024-01-21T07:00:00Z 2024-01-24T07:00:00Z Monk + Sorcerer 3 Days
3 2024-02-03T07:00:00Z 2024-02-06T07:00:00Z Rogue + Paladin 3 Days
4 2024-02-17T07:00:00Z 2024-02-20T07:00:00Z Ranger + Wizard 3 Days
5 2024-03-04T07:00:00Z 2024-03-07T04:00:00Z Barbarian + Druid 3 Days
6 2024-03-26T07:00:00Z 2024-03-29T07:00:00Z Fighter + Cleric 3 Days
7 2024-04-19T07:00:00Z 2024-04-22T07:00:00Z Monk + Sorcerer 3 Days
8 2024-05-03T07:00:00Z 2024-05-06T07:00:00Z Rogue + Paladin 3 Days
9 2024-05-14T07:00:00Z 2024-05-17T07:00:00Z Fighter + Cleric 3 Days
10 2024-06-03T07:00:00Z 2024-06-06T07:00:00Z Ranger + Wizard 3 Days
11 2024-06-15T07:00:00Z 2024-06-18T07:00:00Z Monk + Sorcerer 3 Days
12 2024-07-03T07:00:00Z 2024-07-06T07:00:00Z Barbarian + Druid 3 Days
13 2024-07-20T07:00:00Z 2024-07-23T07:00:00Z Rogue + Paladin 3 Days
14 2024-07-31T07:00:00Z 2024-08-03T07:00:00Z Fighter + Cleric 3 Days
15 2024-08-16T07:00:00Z 2024-08-19T07:00:00Z Ranger + Wizard 3 Days
16 2024-09-06T07:00:00Z 2024-09-09T07:00:00Z Monk + Sorcerer 3 Days
17 2024-09-17T07:00:00Z 2024-09-20T07:00:00Z Barbarian + Druid 3 Days
18 2024-07-30T07:00:00Z 2024-10-02T07:00:00Z Rogue + Paladin 3 Days

Legendary Troops can be pulled from this portal.
The portal includes classic troops only.
So there is NO Ninja, Styx or Magic Troop in it.
Only 2 class linked Legendary Troop classes are pullable for each element at the any time.
The featured linked pullable troop classes will be rotated in the later occurences of the portal.

Apperance Rates


  • Rare Troop: 83%
  • Epic Troop: 14%
  • Legendary Troop: 3%

Summon Cost


1x Pull: 100 Legendary Troop Coins or 300 gems
10x Pull: 2600 gems

Epic Troop Tokens are not usable in the portal.

Legendary Troop Bonus Chest

Example 1: 1x Trainer Troop, 2 * 30x Class Emblems
Example 2 : 2x Trainer Troop, 30x Class Emblems
Example 3: 1x Trainer Troop, 100k Food Bundle, 30x Emblems

Legendary Troop Coins

Used for summoning a Rare, Epic or Legedary Troop at the Legendary Troop Summon.


Troop Conversion

This feature will go live on 2024-01-02T07:00:00Z

Epic Troops can be converted to Legendary Troops from the same element in the Barracks if that building is at least level 10.
Trainer Troops are not convertable to Legendary Troop.

Level 26 troops or above can be converted to Legendary Troop, but this treshold rises after conversions.

The selected troop is consumed, and these extra materials too:

  • 200K Iron
  • 300 Emblems of the selected troop’s main class

You are receiving a level 1 Legendary Troop after certain amount of conversion:

The conversion is instant, but there is a 28 day cooldown between conversions.
Another conversion can not be starting during another cooldown is not elapsed.
This cooldown time can not be skipped with Gems.

Tooltip before selecting a troop to convert:

Tooltip after selecting a troop to convert:

Troop conversion steps:

:link: Related Threads


Thanks to the recent changes to troop leveling I got my purple ninja troop up to level 26 and ready to be converted for a Druid/barbarian troop tomorrow morning. Freya and Obakan are my most used dark heroes so the class works well.

I’ll also have the next troop up to 27 in 28 days. That timer is going to feel long.

Edit: thanks @sleepyhead


So you choose the output in someway?
Or is a conversion locked to same element but different class?

Happy gaming

Ps. Sounds expensive to give away those +26 level and atart over leveling again. Probably I don’t have the full picture yet


A post was merged into an existing topic: [MASTER]- Mega Merge Random stuff etc🎉

Yes you choose which troop to sacrifice. The element of that troop matches the legendary troop you receive.
You pick which of the ten “class” troops you want

If you have one troop above 26 you probably don’t. I have a level 29 mana in each element, soon to be level 23 magic troop in each element, and a level 17 mana troop in each element. I’m leveling up the crit/ninja troops I regretfully trained in years prior.

It’s expensive, but well worth it to me. What else will I do with the feeders? I already have enough food for hero leveling, so I don’t need that many more mana pots.


So much effort for these legendary troops.

The difference, that changing from Styx troops and magic troops to legendary troops would make for my R&N 4-90 and my C2-Obakan 4-85 (3 costumes), would be:

hero troops correct class attack defense HP
R&N Styx 27 1293 1138 1926
R&N Assassin 30 wrong class 1369 1208 2407
R&N Assassin 30 correct class 1434 1268 2696
1,10904872389791 1,11423550087873 1,39979231568017
hero troops correct class attack defense HP
Obakan Magic 29 1383 1323 2426
Obakan Fighter 30 wrong class 1406 1403 3032
Obakan Fighter 30 correct class 1474 1471 3396
1,06579898770788 1,11186696900983 1,39983511953833

=> So I would basically trade 9% mana generation for 10% more attack and defense and 40% more HP :thinking:

Attack team
I still don’t see how this would improve my chances to win in raid, war, quests, etc.
My heroes want to charge quickly and do something else than just tile damage and I love charging in 6 tiles (or 3 ghost tiles) with my mages, styx heroes and R&N.

Defense team
If the defending team charges quickly and the board is not helpful, I’m in trouble.
If the defenders charge slower than usual and I’m doing lower damage than usual, then I just keep charging and firing, preferably Becky’s magic2 and then the fight should be over.

=> thanks, but no thanks - I’ll keep maxing some more styx and magic troops, as required


looks sadly at my 96 ETTs

(Edited to add: In this particular legendary troop portal, the one that doesn’t accept ETTs. Because my joke is being fact checked :p) is this edit ok @BlackZed ? :smiley: is the joke precise enough now?


thanks for your analysis, @Zack . the numbers you shared, combined with my general dislike/boredom for troop levelling, are really making me think carefully about whether I want to start doing this.

and I also prioritize the mana breakpoints…

I think you mean you’ll “also” have the next troop up?

(not that I’m questioning you’re an adult or anything :stuck_out_tongue: – Just a little humor)


Yes they are. You can use them to get 3/4* feeders. Then level up another epic to convert to a 5*.


I know that, I was just making a joke about the portal itself. As in, this particular legendary troop portal that doesn’t accept the ETTs. Hence the quote specifically highlighting the part about the portal.

Maybe next time I should submit my jokes to you for review too, before I post them :sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Will probably convert green rogue troop for Ferrus who is and most likely will be my m. Have mats to put one green crit troop to Lv 26 thanks to daily reward.


Well… I have no interest in any of these. So…


My concern, is that these are the initial 5* troops. In a year, the new 5* troops show up in the mold of styx/magic.

Or as others have suggested, the limit breaks begin.

I don’t want to complain needlessly… But this seems warranted.


:rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl: woke up late today. Hadn’t had my cups yet. I get it now.


(Will leave my post intact to keep the linkage)


So best case scenario at 3% draw rate, you likely have to pull 166x to get five… And probably not in each color, but let’s say maybe. Let’s just say one in each color. So nearly 50,000 gems. So… My lord.


too much reading for me this evening, so short version — am I expected to trade in my maxed 4* troops in order to convert to a new one … and so all my hard work suddenly means nothing? What if I do this and the new troops don’t perform as well as my originals… And the new troops will be much harder to obtain… i’m not interested in this at all. They are thumbing their noses at us while holding out their hands for our money…. and we are the sheep



I don’t see anything… Is my 2 am different than y’all’s 2am?


Zynga should have a money train biz strategy in place for 5* troops.

Question is : will enough players “fall in” with their troop biz strategy ?

If numbers aren’t enough, projected revenue won’t be achieved.

They will then buff those troops or squeeze harder, probably do both.

I doubt mana will stay at 11%. I expect 4 limit breaks to reach 15% mana.


I was wondering the same thing. I’m not normally awake at this time so I didn’t know if it was an approximate time.


Maybe wait for Thursday

Edit - don’t believe in my messages. I’m just a confused person… :melting_face: