[Master Discussion] Black Friday Summon Event 2022 - FAQ, Discussion, Offers, Summons Results

No image says it better than this one. :gem: :hook: :coin: :broken_heart:


Looks like more are drawing conclusions regarding not drawing heroes. Is this a good thing, a bad thing or a draw?

80 pulls - 0 5 stars, 8 dupe 4 stars, 72 dupe 3 stars … complete ripoff do not waste your money


I quit doing summons long ago. Damn Ripoff unless you just want to burn money!


Bad luck. Plenty will waste their money and plenty will be happy. Pull the slot lever and take your chances!


Here was my 10x pull. Didn’t have the 2 Wu 3* the rest I already had and trashed. Not great.


May the odds be in your favor


Bummer. With 80 pulls, you’d expect about 3 five bangers.

No HOTM, right?

I believe if people posted the results of all summons, instead of the extremely lucky ones, there would be less summoning, or less expectations of pulling a new 5. “Most” of the time you only see others’ incredibly lucky pull, “hey look at my new shiny hero.” What you don’t see is the amount of summons it took to get said hero. It’s not fun or exciting to share all of your misses. I know I have been guilty of this in the past. I went 100 in a row without a 5 when the fated summons started. The only time I have actually been able to keep count. I’m sure I’ve went longer. The odds suck in this game. Plain and simple. And, I also went 0-30 in the BF portal


The probability of 80 non-5* in a row given a 2.5% hit-rate is 13.2%. Low, but not crazy low. A little less than 1 in 7 people would experience something similar.


3.8% with the HOTM probability.

Doesn’t change your numbers much, but it’s there.

Edit: Plus the .1% for the secret bonus


About 100 pulls here

Rat from fated



Last Black Friday, I did a total of 230 pulls, and I only pulled one 5* from that… And that was by pull 200. 0.4% drop rate… Extremely unlucky

However, Solstice I did 200, and met odds exactly (five 5*). Unfortunately, four were old (and one of those was my SE pick :roll_eyes:) but anything would’ve been better than last BF.

This Black Friday, I do plan to do another 210 in hopes lighting can’t strike twice, but my first 30 landed nothing (second and third 30 landed nothing, too :roll_eyes:). I’m hopeful, but we’ll see. I don’t have luck anywhere tbh so I figure it really doesn’t matter where I pull in the end. I’m below odds in nearly every portal in this game :sweat_smile:

Suffice to Say

So, please know that you are not alone in your bad luck. The poster above me is right; people rarely share the bad :poop:, and it can be so damaging on ones expectations. One of my biggest pet peeves, tbh. :rage:

Which is why I always share everything, as I think it’s important people realize how bad the drops are in this game. A lot of the time, it’s incredibly painful for me to do so (been thru droughts that last over 500 pulls… so no doubt I get moody), and in the midst of such luck, people judge me, or blame me - telling me I’m doing something wrong - to deserve such luck.

So no, it’s not fun to experience - let alone share this (I 1000% get that) - but I think it’s incredibly important to do so anyway… As no doubt more people are in your position than not. And these are the people that need the support, to realize they’re not alone in their bad luck, despite what their alliances members, forum posters, or YouTubers would like you to believe.

So just wanna say: thank you for sharing your pain :purple_heart::green_heart:

Also, when in doubt, what I do when someone doesn’t share the amount of pulls they did, and only the 5* they obtained? I just assume they spent close to $1k for such results (something I’m not willing to do, personally), which ultimately, makes me feel better in the end :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


0 pulls here, I’ll wait for the masquerade event portal where I’ll get at least some good chances to drop new 3* and 4*.


Very well stated! Thank you for sharing your experiences.


Meh. You win some you lose more. That’s literally what the odds state. Back in June/July I did roughly 300 pulls between the 2 months and got Magni.

Bad streaks will happen. 80 pulls is a lot of pulls for many, but considering the odds we face every single time we lull, it really isn’t. I did 20 and got Telly and the HoTM. Once the Telly came out with the 2nd 10 pull I stopped pulling. Don’t need anymore dupes.

My 10 pull reaped 10 x 3 stars and the HotM

Ok i suppose, but when will this game give me a red 5* again?

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Level Heroes Odds
5* Featured 2 0.2%
5* 263 2.3%
4* 77 26.5%
3* 70 71%

You scroll through all of those 5* cards….but the number of cards doesn’t change the odds sadly enough.

I’ll do my pulls in a few days after everyone else diminishes the number of 3* in the pool….

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Did only one pull. A tasty Mireweave for my other heroes. It’s hard not to waste money, and I’d love to, but I need some new clothes. Big hug to all those who are angry, you’re not alone

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Blackhole Friday lol. Did a 10 pull and got a 4* i didnt already have. One of the new ones. Cant remember off top.

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