I’ve made another 30x pull and one more 10x pull (and a couple of single pulls)
The results are Musashi and Poseidon. Musashi I can’t see myself leveling up and Poseidon I already have. That brings it to 110 pulls, 5* and 3 HOTMs. Only one is worth the money (red W3K legendary).
Safe to say I’ll, from now on, pull only during specific events, like S5 or Masquerade, but not from Solstices and Black Fridays. I’ve definitely beaten the odds, but with all the wrong heroes.
This was the first time in 3+ years of gaming that i tried a x30 pull (mostly because I never be able to save enough gems, since I’m a veryC2P).
Personally, I’m VERY happy with my results for more than one reasons:
-the legendries that came out, obviously , but mostly because holy was my weakest color (from which I scarified a 4.80 Joon to get Ludwig in SE);
-the peculiar reason both of them are Holy heroes and very good ones;
-finally because I wasn’t expecting to get any legendary (except, maybe, for a little Morax, who is really beautiful and I was crossing my fingers for ).
My personal mindset was to stay positive no matter what because in the worst scenario, they were 30% of a Onatel (the main reason i scarified Joon for SE)
I watched all of your video and it help greatly with expectation. You not like those YT that post I pull 5x and got 2 legendary. Thank you for showing us reality.
It depends on how you look at it and how much you pull. Zynga shop is 11000 gems for 100usd. This is 12000 gems for 100usd. If you buy every special and still need gems, it’s a good deal. Not amazing, but better than average especially at bulk. Typically the cheap gems come in 400-600 packs at a time for half price.
Here I am looking at different stores and websites and they all have amazing deals. Like half price items.
Then I log into E&P hoping for something decent, and all I see are two gem deals that are literally only a sliver cheaper than regular store prices.
SG, you can’t even beat your own regular half price gem deals on BLACK FRIDAY??? Is it REALLY that hard to for ONCE to offer, say, 10000 gems for $50? Not like you aren’t raking in money each day of the year selling nothing but bits and bytes that you create out of thin air.
I promised myself no summons on this portal… but hard to stay put when everyone is going just crazy about it, and some pulls are hilarious. So I got some cheap offers to get 3,000 gems and did my attempt.
Not top of the top, but both are new heroes to me, and Saiorse is definitely worth the mats - will be nice combo with my Asterius on titans (still stuck with Wilbur on regular defense down). Could be worse With Khonshu pulled for coins in the Dunes portal this morning, today got me 3 new legendaries for quite little spending so I call it a good day.
They don’t have to offer good deals, people buy those nevertheless, all they have to do is include word “SALE” and some cool looking background. Even though there is currently S5 1st day gem deal that is almost half the price as the bf 2000 gem “deal”.
Funny things all regular deals running now are better than this so-called black friday (and I bet tomorrow we get crappy Black Knight/Black Panther/Solstice offer which is even worse than these ones. You know what I am talkng about - Hey guys just asking about black Friday offers - #10 by Sarah2). Second Dunes Day 1 offer still has best $ to gems ratio and Garden of roses has that tier 4 offer for Challenge Coins.
That screenshot was from 2019…I miss those days, when great offers really were great offers. Now we have to swipe away multiple offers just to play the game .
I meant the one that has 600 gems for a price of 3,49 € (I don’t know the price in dollars, propably it costs a little less), but in euros the BF 2000 gem deal costs 17,99 €. You can buy 3x the 600 S5 gem deal, for a total price of 10,47 €, and get 1800 gems. That’s only 200 gems less and costs 7,52 € less.
By far my best luck on any portal.
32 pulls in total (3x10 pulls and 2 single)
7 Legendary
Grazul, Fortuna, and Adalinda are all new. I was so shocked and happy landing Adalinda on my last single pull. Just need 9 more scopes and 11 more capes!
I will add there have been far more 10 & 30 pulls with 0 lengedary, so I feel your pain if your summons went that way. Best of luck to everyone!