[Master] Costume Bonus percentages for heroes

If I have two copies of one hero but only one costume - I have to level the costume up on both heroes? But I understand I can’t use it for war twice - I’m just asking if it would give the reg hero the costume bonuses? I can’t think of a better way to word it - and I’ve confused myself as it’s been a while since I’ve thought how this worked.

Let’s word it that way: a costume is only an item that unlocks an hero’s mutation. No need to have multiple exact copies of a key to unlock a door, only one is needed (and on a backup perspective, the game takes care of it by preventing us from feeding the last copy of a costume to avoid getting locked out). And having the same hero n times is like having n doors with the same lock, you still need only one key to open them all.

After you unlocks “an hero’s mutation”, you still need to train the hero to handle that mutation (by giving feeders and doing ascension on “the costumed hero” like the usual leveling process). Each ascension of a mutation (and a mutation cannot ascend higher than the hero themself ofc) increases the costume bonus for that particular hero (and their mutation, that’s the same “person”). It does not affect your other copies of the same hero (you could think of them as twins, they are different persons, they all need to train to master their mutation super powers).

And you can’t use a hero twice in war, whichever “mutation” of their you used. Same in other events where there is a usage limitation (ToL, CoE, in a different way Mythic Titan, …). The only exception to this is (because of course there is one, would be too simple otherwise) the curses in Ninja and Magic Towers affect each mutation for each hero separately.


Thanks for this. I sometime confuse myself on how costumes work. I think I’m confusing the fact that I was looking at the same costume copy on two different copies of the same hero under the actual roster.

For example, when I got my second Vivica to 4th tier - I suddenly could equip a 4/80 CX2 or reg costume on her. I think it confused me because there weren’t talents on the costume like there is when it’s on my first Vivica - but of course there wouldn’t be since second Vivica is only st 4/1. I was not considering that at the time. I really appreciate your help though and you taking the time to explain all of that. Thank you.

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@PlayForFun tertiary costume bonus for season one heroes is missing in the op in here. Mind to update it? :smiley:

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Nice catch, thx.
I have updated the OP.

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s2 Heroes Costume Bonus needs a buff. Especially Epics and Rares


I agree. A 4* costume does little. It should at least be like a s1 4* with just one costume.

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The OP has been adjusted with the costume bonus changes according to latest balance updates.


isnt untold tales costume mana still 1%?


Thx, I have forgot to update that number as it is usually 5%.
Now I have fixed it.


Hey all I need some help with a costume bonus problem. The Toon costume bonus is supposed to be:

I maxed the original and all costumes of Rigard and I’m not close to those numbers. Here’s what I have:

I just notice the “special level” is covered in the pics. All of them are at 8.

I’d really like the better stats. Am I missing something?

Those numbers are only for Legendary Heroes, Rigard is not Legendary

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Oh crap. I didn’t realize it was so. Thanks for the reply.


He is legendary but in another way :smiley:


BTW, @PlayForFun . You forgot to update the Winter legendary bonus. It’s now 35/35/35/5. Not sure if the epic and rare winter heroes got a buff? Thanks.

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I am unsure if I have applied to other balance changes for November.
I will check, and I will update those if missed, and this later today.


Quick question. Let’s say I don’t plan on using the original hero at all, but only his costumed version. Do I need to max the original to 90 too or simply LB both and max the costume only? For full stat bonuses of course.


LB both. Then max costume only.

Only LB: original LB then hold. Costume to 85

2Lb: original to 85, then 2LB. Stay at 85.01. Costume to 90.

When 3LB is released: Original to 90, then 3LB. Costume to 95.

That’s what I thought. So there’s no added value to max the original too. No extra % ?

You will need to level the original to at least 85 if you want to 2B the costume.

After that, you can leave original at 85.01 and only max the costume.

It’s not possible to LB original and leave it at 80.01 if you want to 2LB costume.

If you max original to 90, then you have 2 fully levelled heroes to use. You can use both versions depending on the situation.

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