Alternate Defence Formations
Also called Raid Formations Defense Formations.
This feature was added for a global beta test in the Version 35 update.
It then returned in Version 37 as a permanent feature.
Note: this feature will likely NOT be enabled until the version is forced.
Where does this apply?
This feature applies only to your Normal Defence. This means it applies to normal Raiding and Friendly Matches.
It is NOT applied to your War Defence or Tournament Defence.
Where do I change my Defence Formation?
You unlock the ability to change your defence formation with Level 1 of the Hero Accademy.
This is also where you go to change your defence formation.
Note: you CAN face alternative formations even if you do not have Hero Accademy built.
How Often Can I Change my Defence Formation?
You can change your defence formation once every 24 hours.
There is a notification/ UI marker to show when you are facing an alternative defence formation. It looks like this:
If there is nothing there, you will be facing a “Normal” formation (see below)
In addition to the Standard formation, there are 3 alternative new formations you can choose from:
- Reverse
- Double
- Reverse Double
This is the one you typically face where it is in a “V-Shape” with the apex at the front:
Essentially the inverse of “Standard”, so a “V-Shape” where the apex is at the back:
Also called “2-Up, 3-Back”. Two heroes are at the front (i.e. two “tanks”) with 3 heroes sheltered behind them.
Reverse Double
Also called a “3-Up, 2-Back”. There are three heroes at the front (i.e. three “tanks”) with 2 heroes sheltered behind.
There is no change to what columns hit what position on the defence team; all that changes is who/ what position is sheltered behind whom.
So, tiles CAN hit enemies per the below for ALL formations. What does change is the order of which position is hit initially by a given column.
- Position 1 → Columns 1 & 2
- Position 2 → Columns 2 & 3
- Position 3 → Columns 3, 4 & 5
- Position 4 → Columns 5 & 6
- Position 5 → Columns 6 & 7
For Example, in Standard Position 2 can be hit by columns 2&3, but in order for tiles from column 3 to hit, the hero in Position 3 (tank) must first be killed.
Compare that to Reverse formation where column 3 tiles hit Position 2 initially, but column 2 tiles will hit position 1 until that hero dies.
Target / Caster & Nearby Skills
Changed in Beta V35.5, in Double & Reverse Double, nearby now considers all enemies around the targetted hero (like in map stages).
So if you target position 3 with a “Target and nearby Enemies” hero, you will hit / affect all 5 positions.
Likewise, if a defense hero is “caster and nearby”, they affect all allies near them. So Guinevere in Position 3 will apply her buff to all her allies.
(Credit: @Liam_K for the idea of these graphics)
Note that Position 2 & 4 are not considered “next” to each other as they are separated by Position 3.
Reverse & Standard
Reverse & Standard formations (V & Λ) formations are unchanged & operate the same as previously.
Beta Content
Check the below beta-beat thread for the history of beta for this feature:
🧪 Early Information on Raid formations [Part of The Beta Beat v31]