I am curious what you think it’s the best formation of heroes in the defence team. Is it 2 healer’s and 3 attackers. Same colour or classes? Teamforce high or low in points?
My set up is 5 different colours, 3 attackers, 2 healers…
Teamforce lower in points than my strongest team.
I am interested in your opinion and vision.
Way, waaaaay to many variables to even start answering this question. Comes down to the heroes you have available and their synergy. Generally, two healers sounds a bit much for a defense to me…but I’m more aggressive. VF makes more sense to have multiple healers/rezzers however.
In all honesty it depends on your roster and your play style. In general I would say - have a rainbow raid defence team that has some hero synergy and that is supported with decent strength troops.
I will say, and it’s only my personal opinion, I think two x healers sounds a bit too much on defence under normal circumstances…
In my current raid defence team I don’t have any healers at all.
I mainly use healers on offence and sometimes not even then if I utilise Lord Loki.
Whatever you do with your raid defence - good luck
Thank you for your comments!
I agree that it all comes down with the heroes and their strength that you use.
And there are many different strategies to use and to learn.
one point AGAINST same color (i.e., mono) is that the attacker can just also bring multiple heroes of strong color, they just need a bit of luck with tiles to get a huge advantage.
I also find reverse formation the hardest to fight against… the hero in middle is more protected against matches, while the exposed heroes on the edges/wings are at the side, so more difficult to kill with tile matches
What is the best strategy for fighting against a team of mostly or fully equal colour? It’s a fact that the attacking team has no results from the troops who are not part of the team you have formed. So I am curious what strategy you apply. And surely it depends not only on the heroes and the set up, luck and good combo’s is a great factor.
When fighting a defense with duplicate colour heroes I tend to stack in the strong colour, 3-2 for me. Then when the board appears I look at how to maximize that strong colour(s) I have by first making moves to clear out the useless colours and also move the colours I do have closer together to increase available matches that will do damage. Doing this early on is better because the opponent isn’t charged yet and increases the chance of making a couple good matches to inflict some damage before they do charge.
As for “best” defense I don’t feel that having more than one healer helps. My defense performs best for me with one. I remember reading here somewhere that you should view your defense just like any other raid team. It needs to attack as well as defend. And the nature of the AI control means that specials are never used most efficiently. In the end a defense is only there for me to ensure I stay in diamond. Or at least in sight of diamond.
Although I must say of late mine seems to be quite good at keeping me in the 2500+ range. Sometimes (often?) I lose more cups from attack than from defense.
The key to have a good defence is
- Synergy between the 5 heroes in the team = Pengi is devastating with his minion making pals & taunt.
- Rainbow team becoz, despite board tiles needed, a easy kill thru colour stacking will happen for multiple of same colour.
- Two healers in a rush attack may work but regular raid or defence teams is a weak spot. I enjoy finishing off double healer teams… regular raid / war teams.
Defence team for me is (Regular defence & not rush defence, which of course changes a bit)
- Strong buff / taunt = Stalls & protects the team = BK, Krampus, LudwiG
- Healer with cleanse. Any extra is a bonus. Also, above point may make healer not required. There are hitting cleansers (Glenda) & healers (WolfganG). Riposte heroes protect HP !
- Hit all with DD = FriGG, Morel
- Hard hitting hit-3 / hit all. Mana management ailments like Elizabeth.
- Sniper or hard hit-3 = Gefjon, Quenel
The above is a basic logic I follow…but, there are still many variables hence, the team sequence is based on actual heroes on defence.
My current raid defense team is from left to righty - mother north, lemonwood, tora, krampus and chloris. as you guys say only one healer, which one should I keep and what formation should i use. other attackers I have that are reasonably strong is Zidane, Vanda is getting there and Zhabog. Still working on the rest. Oh and Anoushka is also strong.