Margaret, Atomos or Kadilen

Continuing my dilemma topics… I just got my 6 tonic :partying_face: but don’t know if any heroes in topic are worth maxing.
My greens are Evelyn, Elkanen, Caedmon, Melendor, Kashrek.
Margaret and Atomos are 3.70 and Kadilen lvl 1 since I just got her from TC20. I use Margaret in mono raids and titans. I find her special useful vs heavy hitters in raids cause of evasion and elemental link +46% def vs fire. When it comes to Atomos… I rarely use him, sometimes in wars, events, emblem quests. I’m not a fan of slow mana heroes, but maybe I’m missing something here?
And there is Kadilen - fast mana, low dmg, high def vs specials - is that good somewhere else besides event bosses?
Reading forum topic I found that Margaret and Atomos are one of the worst heroes im game :sob:
My dream green would be Lianna, Zeline or HotM Kingston but I think, I’m nowhere near to get any of those. If I don’t get Kingston or Lianna while pulling during Pirates Event, should I wait for Lianna from TC20 or go with some of heroes I have?

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If it was me, i would wait

Mats don’t expire and those heroes won’t make aa noticeable difference to your roster so bit of a waste of tonics in my Opinion

But there are kadilen fans out there. I actually do use margaret but in very niche situations. i dont necessarily regret maxing her, i just regret maxing her as soon as i did. Could have easily waited on her until later and maxed a more versatile green instead.

Atomos, yea i haven’t heard anyone super happy with their maxed atomos, not a single person so out of the 3, he would be the worst option. Even on paper he looks like complete crap due to a poor choice of special skill that will forever bind him to bein less than mediocre

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In my honest opinion, play with what you got. You could wait and wait some more for a better hero and still not get it either on a pull or from TC20. If it was me I would see if I could get Kingston this month and if you don’t, then max Kadilen. She is good and I have her on my defence team


I have the same opinion as Rigs on Margaret. Niche, great against snipers, but not so versatile. She was my first maxed Green 5*, and when I got her I only had Jack O’Hare and Skittleskull. as my Green bench grows I use her less because others are more versatile.

I agree with JGE on “you play with what you have”. Wait until the end of this month (besides Kingston, there’s the Pirates event and Atlantis - you might get Lady Locke or Tarlak) then decide who to give tonics to at the end of the month


Kadilen is worth it. She is a very good support hero. As soon as I finish taking Alberich to +7 I will start giving druids emblems for Kadilen


If you’re f2p… then I’d agree with kad especially since you have eve. But wait out the month (like was already mentioned) and see if you get Kingston.

… so basically… I agree with what was already posted. Smdh…


Thanks! I’ll do that, I’ll wait until the end of the month and see what happens. If I’ll get Kingston or Lianna, he/she will drink tonics, otherwise Kadilen does.


I have been very happy with my Kadilen. I thought she would be a bit meh, but now I use her every day. She hits hard when paired with Wilbur and Boldtusk.


Kadilen is both useful (imho second best from S1 green 5*) and pretty. Margaret is both ugly and useless (seriously, she was free kill even with mostly 4*). Atomos’ special looks pretty rad, but chances are opponent won’t see it because of Slow mana, and that revive is both removable and not that much. Kadilen all the way.


lol. none!
20 characters.

Even if you are f2p like me, there are other heroes you can get from tc 20 like Lianna. And there are the occasional lucky pulls. Wait it out!

If you get to the end of the month and you haven’t had something you prefer from your pulls, then evaluate if what you’ve got can help you with titans/raids/wars/trials, or if it’s worth waiting an undefined length of time.

FWIW, I’ve been running TC20(s) for nearly a year now, 2 concurrently for the bulk of that time. I still haven’t had a Lianna (or Joon, or several of the other vanilla 5s for that matter).

I recently ascended Kadilen over Margaret and Elkanen, I like her a lot. If Lianna hasn’t turned up by the time I have my next set of tonics I will ascend Elk. Bird in the hand, choice in wars and all that jazz. No regrets.


Kadilen would help with Druid trial, cause I don’t have any other good druid to give emblems to. I have Horgal but he is out of contest :wink: I don’t think that Caedmon or Melendor are worth for emblems. Like I said, I’ll wait till the end of the month :wink: Thanks for all advices!