Mana troop math question

Given the following assumptions:

  • Grazul has lvl 11 mana troop
  • 6 tiles are used to charge her special
  • Element link now becomes active, giving red allies +4% mana gen

What level of mana troop do I need to charge a medium speed red hero in 3 more tiles after this?

Lvl 17 Mana troop will do it


I believe you only need a lvl 11

Each mana tier is +2%

Mana troop tiers are at 5, 11, 17, 23, 29

Average heroes need lvl 23 Mana troop for 9 tiles. +4% is like two tiers so that drops to needing lvl 11.

Edit: Misunderstood the question, Assuming 6 tiles without bonus already so yes, lvl 17. Lvl 11 would give you 9.93 Mana (just short of 10)

average heroes take 10 tiles total to charge.
6 tiles have been gained
leaving 4 more tiles to gain to reach full mana
assuming you start with a level 11 mana troop with a 9% bonus that means 6x1.09= 6.54
now add 4% more for a total of 13% on 3 more tiles 3x1.13=3.39
3.39+6.54=9.93 NOT enough
you need 16% mana generation total for this to work

So thats class bonus plus level 5 mana troop or
costume bonus plus 2% class boost and troop level 1 or
class 20 bonus troop 5
costume bonus and level 5 troop
and possibly a few other mixes

Lets try level 17 troop
6x1.11 =6.66 + 3x1.15=3.45
3.45+6.66= 10.11 That works

Just wanted to show there were multiple ways to get to this

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Lvl 17 would work

6 tiles at +11% = 6.66 mana
3 tiles at + 15% = 3.45 mana

Total: 10.11 ✓ mana bar full

I know i forgot to put that in I was editing as you replied

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Same. I had already edited mine when I realized I misread the question.