Malicna – 5* Dark/ Purple - March 2021 HOTM (Hero of the Month) -- Initial Release

Yes. Which is why I am currently split between ascending Glenda and Misandra. Misandra’s mana boost is valuable for slower heroes such as Heimdall, because the percentage is set thus slow heroes get more profit of it (as they need more tiles for the same percentage). If it’s 5% per turn then it’s 20% total and that’s nothing to sneeze at. Especially in Titan fights.

Asterius (definitely male) has no clothing at all. Just saying …

Malicna at least has excuse of being a wizard, so she should be at range anyway (assuming that sword is when enemies get too close for comfort - she has most likely seen Gandalf in Return of The King). But Elena has an armor that fails to protect her vital organs and she’s supposed to be a fighter. She should take a page from Bertila’s book, who’s also clever enough to bring in a shield. But really, why are we discussing the realism in a game with dragons and magic?

I just landed Malicna with a free Legends pull. Looking at my roster I now have to decide between her and Quintus (handy for rush war and tournaments), lots of tabards but only one Tome.

For me the non-S1 heroes are exceedingly rare so she is a welcome addition. I just need to figure out how to use her.

When I first glanced at her image I thought the shoulder – um, pads? – were her gloves :rofl:

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I think Malicna Rolls 2 and 3 needs a rebalancement. I understand that choice 2 and 3 exists in order to balance the extreme power of Roll 1, but 16% atk up / def down in 3 turns perhaps are too low, even if compared with s1 4* heroes.

I would suggest to double the amount (from 16% to 32%) which is enough to be valuable and still not too strong to make that balance effect to Roll 1.

A side now: I did NOT pull Malicna right now, so I have not a direct interest on increasing Malicna power right now.


She is useless. She should have been fast.

Alternative 1: -24 mana generation
Alternative 2: -34 defense down
Alternative 3: -34 attack down
This must be the alternations on this hero to be decent, in this form now she it’s a candidate for the worst hotm ever.

You need both, then both will synergize very good AFAIK.

Perfect, I’ll just have to wait through two Farholmes to get another Tome :rofl:

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hahaha noor and toth laught in tears :rofl: :rofl:

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Useless is such an overused term in this forum. And an extremely unhelpful and uneducated one. I could easily use the word in reference to certain posts, however.

She does decent damage and her elemental link is great. Every third special will be op. 2/3 will give a minor bonus not dissimilar to the one frigg usually gives in offense (20-26% is probably average). So far from useless. And please refrain from putting unhelpful commentary out without having any experience of the hero


Pple thought bertila was good for her damage
290% to all at slow

Malicna with 260% to 3 at average
Is at least comparable to bertila in terms of damage?

But the comments for malicna seem much worse

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I actually like the art of this hero. She reminds me of Alice from The Magicians. While I much preferred the character in the book than in the tv show, she fits both. Just waiting for her to become a niffin or return to Fillory.


I have two of her and my words are based on it. She is useless compared to average heroes. She could be the worst hero ever.

Useless is not an insult or whatsoever. It is an adjective to evaluate the performance of a hero. She is ineffective (useless, not worthy to spending mats), slow (compared to her skills), her second skill is effective only at %33 probability.

You compare her with Frigg, which is nothing but funny. :smile: I don’t need to state any reasoning here. Frigg is top 10 in this game.


And you have used either of those at what… 1/1?

You are very quick to throw these words around. Just the fact that you think Thor deserves a big buff… shows the kind of unrealistic measurement you are using

In defense, sure. In offence she is good but not great. The fact that C Brienne - a 3* - gets better titan scores should be a testament to that. And yes, she is comparable to this HOTM if you exclude defense


Some people vehemently oppose “useless”. Noor, Myztero and others.
They preach the synergies of heroes, but in general, a “useful” hero is that the hero itself is very powerful. Niche heroes are not synonymous with “useful.”

Going back to the topic, I got Malicna in free legend coin pulls (3 times), but she doesn’t have her whereabouts on my purple stack. Yes, she is “useless” compared to other useful purples.
Perhaps she could be used as an off-color in a very fast war, but tabard is so valuable.

I am for my words regarding Thor. That discussion is off topic under this title. By the way I have not seen Thor around much neither in wars nor in raid defences. He is Malosi-like. He is a B or B+ overally. However, he survives. :smile_cat:

I have her at 3/70. Her performance is obvious as it is on the paper. Her class is unfortunate as well. That class is supposed to boost health.

I disagree. Actually, I believe it’s one of the greatest mistakes players make when evaluating a hero - observing them in a vacuum. Also, while mono play style is legit, evaluation of heros from mono-stack perspective does not bring much value to the discussion table. The worst thing I see occasionally is putting too much weight on a hero’s defensive potential when giving an overall grade.

Back on Malicna, she won’t become a must have hero, but to those who are lacking top heros in the game, she has potential to serve them well. Occasionally she will be super strong, other times she will deal decent dmg and give some mild ailments - which certainly is not nothing.


On Anchor Thor is graded A. I don’t agree on every mark there but I think here it’s a spot on. Thor in a sturdy team can be a really bad scene.

Regarding Malicna, I took her for a run and that mana bonus is imho great. As such, she is Average speed only before firing first and then she is technically faster - not sure if Fast, but surely can be charged in 9 rounds even without mana troops. Also, 260% to is a respectable damage - Norns have 280% and with slightly higher attack they hit like a truck sometimes.

Not saying Malicna is top tier hero or something but she is far from worst. Among the folks such as Noor, Obakan, Inari, Guardian Owl, Zulag or even Roc she is very useful. I am surprised to hear she’s useless in a purple stack because she has that very useful element link. She also has TP of 788, which is on par with S3. It’s funny how everyone loses their mind when they see TP of pre-balanced Villains or S4 heroes yet they fail to take it into an account for heroes that have ‘underwhelming specials’.

I agree that her class is somewhat not fitting and those passives are meh as well, given the frequency of health steal and the fact higher resistance against weakness element (especially conditional) is not that great.