Malicna – 5* Dark/ Purple - March 2021 HOTM (Hero of the Month) -- Initial Release

Honestly if it were hit all a little below the 260% (maybe 215-225%?) I would take the random chance and just be glad at a very reasonable Average speed hit all which could on some hits also be a faster Isarnia.

I think 260 hit 3 is just a little low. Everything below Drake Fong damage at slower speeds needs to be brought up. He is good but not broken, so why can’t slower heroes have some fun too?

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Let’s not forget Magni or Karnov, or this guy who basically wears just a loincloth and cape.



I got her today from a free EHT so I won’t complain.
I don’t think she is THAT bad I mean, she does hit 255% on 3 heroes, so it’s not awful. I think everyone is focusing on the “extra” too much. Yes it’s annoying 2 of them are not as good as the Alternate 1.

I don’t have many Purple 5* to pick from so maybe (doubtful lol) I will max her.
(My purples to pick from are: Domitia (no costume), Quintus (costume), Zulag, and Malicna
Including Dupes: Clarissa, and Sartana)

I am at least getting her to 3/70 and have a play with her.
So far I have her at 2/50ish and her special is already 7/8. I have farmed with her about 5 times and so far, every special she has done, she has not used Alternate 1, it’s about evenly balanced between Alt 2 and Alt 3.


I just got her on a free Legends summon. Also planning on going to 3/70… I have way too many tabards and Obakan and Zulag already at 3/70. One of the three is going to get them sooner or later.


B- 5* purple hero, no more :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Also Asterius. He’s male, no?

Why is :sun_with_face: dark element ?

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Grimble and malicna might have some really good synergy…


Well a lucky ToL pull and I’m in the game.

I like this hero for the none-random pieces she brings. The random additional is a cherry on for me. She’s much more interesting than my other purple ascension choices so she’s on the list for admittance.


With so many taking up arms against Malicna’s outfit, I’d like to see her full art. I dont see the problem in just the portrait. :wink:

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Just some leggings and a glowy mace outside of the card cut version. I like the shoes though.


That sword must be really heavy. It seems that she’s about to fall.:sweat_smile:

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I couldn’t agree more! That’s exactly what I was thinking

My morning results:



should have made her a hero like thor that cycles through specials.


Pulled Malicna from ToL. Must be cuz I was criticizing this hero in a previous post? Who knows :sweat_smile:

The thing is, I’ve been pulling and maxing so many dark 5* I ran out of tabards. C. Domitia, Sartana, Zulag got maxed recently. Malicna will have to stay at 3/70 for a few months.

First world problems, I know lol.

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Completely agree with this.

She does decent 3x damage. Her purple mana gain will be very useful in a close match. The ailment stuff is either a very minor bonus or a major bonus. I think is ifar superior to Danza’s special as Danza has one negative outcome, one OK outcome and one good outcome - with only the good outcome having any damage. With Malicna you get 3 overall outcomes - Good, good, and great.

Running her with Grimble is sounding very appealing to me - I have Grimble at 9 tiles, he can boost Malicna and get her to fire (after everyone else has fired), then her mana gain along with Grimble’s mana gain could add up significantly. If you run against a Freya or Bera tank and Grimble kills 7-8 minions then with Malicna’s added boost he and C Rig (who fires before Grimble) would be ready to fire again


Does the mana gain over 4 turns stack with itself? I would guess not, but it is a new game mechanic so who knows…

No. Just starts the clock on the turns again

Below is how much it gives. It looks like 5% a turn to me


So Malicna, Misandra and Alby/Toxicandra basically tweak Alfrike into hyperdrive?

The tangible mana boost on this next round of HOTMs is the real bread and butter here. I can’t begin to tell you how much I value actual mana gain, not just a mana generation increase. Barely any heroes do this and there’s good reason for it… it has the potential to be extremely powerful.