Honestly if it were hit all a little below the 260% (maybe 215-225%?) I would take the random chance and just be glad at a very reasonable Average speed hit all which could on some hits also be a faster Isarnia.
I think 260 hit 3 is just a little low. Everything below Drake Fong damage at slower speeds needs to be brought up. He is good but not broken, so why can’t slower heroes have some fun too?
I got her today from a free EHT so I won’t complain.
I don’t think she is THAT bad I mean, she does hit 255% on 3 heroes, so it’s not awful. I think everyone is focusing on the “extra” too much. Yes it’s annoying 2 of them are not as good as the Alternate 1.
I don’t have many Purple 5* to pick from so maybe (doubtful lol) I will max her.
(My purples to pick from are: Domitia (no costume), Quintus (costume), Zulag, and Malicna
Including Dupes: Clarissa, and Sartana)
I am at least getting her to 3/70 and have a play with her.
So far I have her at 2/50ish and her special is already 7/8. I have farmed with her about 5 times and so far, every special she has done, she has not used Alternate 1, it’s about evenly balanced between Alt 2 and Alt 3.
I just got her on a free Legends summon. Also planning on going to 3/70… I have way too many tabards and Obakan and Zulag already at 3/70. One of the three is going to get them sooner or later.
I like this hero for the none-random pieces she brings. The random additional is a cherry on for me. She’s much more interesting than my other purple ascension choices so she’s on the list for admittance.
Pulled Malicna from ToL. Must be cuz I was criticizing this hero in a previous post? Who knows
The thing is, I’ve been pulling and maxing so many dark 5* I ran out of tabards. C. Domitia, Sartana, Zulag got maxed recently. Malicna will have to stay at 3/70 for a few months.
She does decent 3x damage. Her purple mana gain will be very useful in a close match. The ailment stuff is either a very minor bonus or a major bonus. I think is ifar superior to Danza’s special as Danza has one negative outcome, one OK outcome and one good outcome - with only the good outcome having any damage. With Malicna you get 3 overall outcomes - Good, good, and great.
Running her with Grimble is sounding very appealing to me - I have Grimble at 9 tiles, he can boost Malicna and get her to fire (after everyone else has fired), then her mana gain along with Grimble’s mana gain could add up significantly. If you run against a Freya or Bera tank and Grimble kills 7-8 minions then with Malicna’s added boost he and C Rig (who fires before Grimble) would be ready to fire again
So Malicna, Misandra and Alby/Toxicandra basically tweak Alfrike into hyperdrive?
The tangible mana boost on this next round of HOTMs is the real bread and butter here. I can’t begin to tell you how much I value actual mana gain, not just a mana generation increase. Barely any heroes do this and there’s good reason for it… it has the potential to be extremely powerful.