Malicna – 5* Dark/ Purple - March 2021 HOTM (Hero of the Month) -- Initial Release

Does anyone have the full art of the card? Thanks in advance.


At average speed this is a no. I don’t see any way I’m rolling the dice for a 33% chance at average speed. No way. Make her fast and we’ll talk. In a game where speed is becoming increasingly vital, this does nothing for me. Average needs to bring something to the table.


Someone explain the 16% to me…that’s such a weird number. Did they start with 15% and someone said “hey that looks really bad, let’s bump it up to 25% so this hero is decent”? With a response of “remember Telly/Vela? These HOTM can’t be that good anymore! They must be mediocre! Let’s put 16% instead of the 15%…that looks MUCH better!”


16% is almost half of 34%, which appears to be a pretty common number when talking attack/defense ailments, so maybe that? Why didn’t they put 17% instead? That is a very good question, I’m gonna have to get back to you on that one. :man_shrugging:

It used to be worser with 12%

Her shoulder armour spikes look like her fingers and I thought she was either gasping at first or doing an Edward scissorhands impression

Did we ever get an absolute figure on her mana gain? I think Guv said 0.8 tiles, but I tested that and it didn’t seem true in beta

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Daaaamn, she has some cute artwork! :grin: I’d get her for that alone. As for using her… eh … maybe something for a new mono-dark war defence team? idk :joy:

Pubescent face and harlot clothes is a bit too kiddie porn for my comfort… :woman_shrugging:


Her art is all over the place for sure and a total mess. Dark elf/faun/demonic/ wizard/nerd?

“Remember honey, don’t sit down in that armor or raise your hands. You remember what happens last time. The doctor bill was through the roof.”


Looks like one of those tumblr original character designs lol. But looks are the least important part of this new HOTM imo.

I seriously don’t understand the thought process of devs. Why are they so obsessed with RNG? Why would they add 3 parts to her special. She’s not a 5* Danzaburro, is she?

Devs could’ve deleted parts 2 and 3 of her special and Malicna could’ve been decent. Not great but decent.

But thanks to RNG she’s just another Noor. Mediocre HOTM that looks good but doesn’t add anything new or useful to the game.


No, she’s actually WORSE than a 5 star Danza because two of her specials are useless instead of one. I see absolutely no use for this hero at all. And I agree, if they got rid of specials 2 and 3 she would be good, but not essential. This was a huge swing and a miss.


The RNG element is made up for with that waifu design. /s

God, there are so many simple changes to this that could have made her at the very least useful. Make her fast, so that if you whiff on one special she loads faster for another try. Make the hit go to target and nearby while the ailments go to all enemies. Getting -16% to all enemies is not great but at least buys more time. Danza at least goes to all enemies/allies when he connects, which makes the special worth rolling the dice on in a lot of situations. This is just bad on every level.

Which means I’ll almost certainly pull her.


i.guessed 0.8 MU (same as Alby) but never tested it myself to any great depth.

With this alternativ as the only one she would be OP


I’m saying alt 1 should just reduce defense, and alt 2 should reduce attack, alt 3 reduces mana gen. That way each are helpful, but not necessarily op at average. And she would be able to fire twice without the fear of undoing a better alt


I like her/ his 3 turns of 94% defense against Holy

The avg mana isn’t a great “character point”.
Beats slow or very slow though. :100:

Buff her so she can ASSIST nearby allies with 150% increase to enhanced special skills &
34% ATTACK for 3 turns
On option 2

Give option 3 a do-over buff too?
She benefits ALL ALLIES in some way =
Maybe with 20%
Mana generation
& Accuracy on Critical Damage

Why not?

And maybe redo her look?
I read many posts COMPLAINING ABOUT THE COSTUME, some due to MINORS ON E&P
others cited other reasons

With E&P stating they realize there are MASSIVE ABUSES OF FEMALES AROUND THE WORLD
by acknowledging this:
"Let’s #ChooseToChallenge this International Women’s Day!

Join us in celebrating International Women’s Day with #ChooseToChallenge ! From challenge comes change, so let’s all choose to challenge by calling out inequality. Let’s raise our hand to show our support and solidarity! :raised_hand:

You can read more":eyes:

Keep the LOIS LANE glasses for some diverse appeal
But no no no to the garb ESPECIALLY with so many minors on Empires now as several have pointed out. Big no.

You know the adults in the room RECOGNIZE mot one public school allows that type of “wardrobe” on school grounds… = MINORS.
If E&P is going to allow minors in gaming than must be WELL REGARDED THESE FACTORS.
Fix that. Easy fix too.

Come on … make the female HEROS exciting warriors too. ALL OF THEM.
Not dress up Barbies with need of decent clothes.

Haven’t seen a MALE hero yet with his shirt torn apart nor his shirt made so it bare his naked torso as much as are doing to females.
And why.


Does it have to be about INVENTING FEMALES HEROS ON EMPIRES as less of Warriors than the males noticed by the deliberate LACK OF ATTIRE ON FEMALES.

just sad.

Its year 2021.
Even in this game the FEMALES AS HEROS are treated more like a _ _ _ doll that is by wardrobe…
When could WEAR EXCITING COSTUMES which any warrior would want to own and wear.
Like Alfrike!
Strong warrior image

Costume is vibrant
Costume is one ANY Warrior would RESPECT
Costume is A POSITIVE energy for FEMALES

But perhaps better though these examples:
Sonya_card image toth-amun images.jpeg-7 images.jpeg-8 images.jpeg-5 images.jpeg-6

I support better Costumes for the FEMALE HEROS


Don’t forget costume Richard!

Seriously, thanks for posting this; Tarlak was the first thing I thought of after reading the post you replied to.

Although I don’t particularly like Malicna’s look, I’m not offended by it. I just think it’s too busy. Also, it’s strange that she has a book AND a weapon. It seems like the art should have focused on the book as her “weapon.”

As for her skill, I had thought all along that her special skill was “Hit All” and was wondering why people thought it was so weak. I just figured out today that it was “Hit 3.” Even at “hit all” she would be below average, but not that bad. At “Hit 3” her skill seems terrible.