Malicna – 5* Dark/ Purple - March 2021 HOTM (Hero of the Month) -- Initial Release

I love this forum sometimes.
High heels…vacuum cleaners, and
Aretha Franklin!
This is more entertaining than the game!

I keep wondering about these passives,
Check out this nerf:

Old Hotm gotta be feeling like Neanderthals right about now. Will future Hotm have 3 passives?

Malicna isn’t a solo artist like Finley.
in a pressure-cooker :joy:

Noor is she a support hero like Albi.
But somewhere in between…
while not excelling at either
I think her passives and stats kick-up the value a bit.

I see the mono crowd being happy with her. While those who already have a great supporting cast and finishers might make some adjustments to that 6th war flag.
Maybe… her RnG is different than Rump’s: he can stack-it-up with value on all 3 variables.
While she stands a strong chance of lightening the load…