Agree Superior Wizard Talent is underrated.
I think im going to level 3 more C.Melendors
I had 3 fully leveled Melendors even before sg introduced the first limit breaker. He is just a great healer overall.
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You can say the same to Finley. It just made his job easier
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ssstttt. you better shut up!! don’t let Petri read it and he will inform Zynga about the nerf super talent wizard!!! :(((
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I must say that thanks to superior talents Melendor’s costume and Kiril are just invaluable.
Remember that every green/blue tile will have 50% chance to dispell, not only C. Melendor’s or Kiril’s troops that are attached to tiles.
I hope that they will make more 4* and 3* wizard costumes for S1 heroes.
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