Good luck, and I hope you will give more than a few days to establish a comfortable fit
But, The door is open if you choose to travel.
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I’ll give plenty more time, it’s more meant towards them kicking me for being an annoying pita in a few days…or less
I’m an acquired taste when I get into ranting mode
That does mean we like you! I request them, often…. Welcome aboard.
Thank you sir, may I have another!
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Wirklich? Ich finde, er ist das totale Gegenteil von dem was du beschreibst. Es trifft aber alles auf dich zu.
Lieben Dank. Kann nur aus eigener Erfahrung schreiben, keine Probleme gehabt
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Ich hatte jede Menge. Wirklich.
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I’m good on a new team so could you close this please.
If I get kicked, I’ll start a new topic
Can just flag and asked to be reopened
Dragon Cohort TMA. Is a good place.
Good luck in yah new home.