Looking for a change

Hi all, there are 3 very average players, looking for a new home. Will use all flags and hit titans. Not very chatty though… we are like ninjas, we do what needs to be done. If you need us, just ask nicely.


Tornado of misfits has room

We have room for you in Burning Sun. You’re welcome.

De Raptors have 3 spaces left, hitting 10-12* titans, if you opt in wars you need to use all flags, if you miss flag/s we deserve explanations and you need to opt put the next war then you can comeback whenever your ready again, we do encourage everyone to hit titans but not a must…we have discord and some have heroplans… if youre interested just drop by… some are very chatty and people do give advises as well to help you improve your playstyle…

If lifes get in the way? Just let us know

Check us out at Animated Assassins. Looks like a fit.
All we ask is that you are all in on titans, and use all flags if opting in war.
We rotate war tanks monthly.

I think you’d like Misfits [TFG]. Anonymous Jane is a good leader, and you’d be welcomed there.

Please check Always Room for Jell-O

We are non competitive, long term casual players. We have very simple rules that seems like you already adhere.

Our defense team powers mostly above 4K.

We tame 8* to 10* Titans.

Thank you

The Mythic Syndicate would be honored at your presence.

Firstly Good Luck in your search…
Not sure what level titan you’re after, but I’ll tag a few friends that might be of interest to you and your friends…

  • @Macaque1902 TBD Part Deux
    Chaining 12* - expect 100% war&titan flag usage
  • @Heduard Impossible Krazy Kats
    Not sure what level titans but expect 100% war&titan flag usage
  • @NCArcticwolf llamAgeddon
    Not sure what titan level but expect 100% war&titan flag usage

If you haven’t found a spot yet, please give the Bearcats a look. Great laid back group. We have exactly 3 spots open. Active alliance that is very supportive.

Impossible Krazy Kats We are an international alliance based in the UK, but with members in Ireland, Germany, USA, Germany. We have Purple/Dark tank, Titans 10*/11* and we use all flags in war. We are very well organized and we use war strategies. Discord required. 2400 cups Line id: Heduard57 Discord: Heduard/lanRoth #2088

We go against 11*-12* titans. All rares downed. If opted in war, all flags. We are not big chatters either, so you’d feel quite at home. Just ask to read message board for info.
The ally is international, All speak english, with some funny mispellings occasionaly :slight_smile:

We invite you nicely ( or hopefully nicely enough) to come and try us

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check our family out: Ascendant Family for all your alliance needs
we have multiple alliances for different level players or different types of players, ranging from casual to strict:

  • Ascendant Universe
  • Ascendant Rising
  • Ascendant Immortals
  • Ascendant Blinks (my home)
  • Ascendant Slayers
  • Ascendant Super Squad
  • Ascendant Cookies Horde

we have something for everyone.

if you have line you can reach out to our recruiters and they will help you out:

  • Maniac’s line ID: maniac58330
  • Diovany’s line ID: the_recruiter
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@eddyescort7 I can highly suggest the black pearl… They are one of the originals to the game. @Branwen nice to see u again :kiss:

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Ahem… :smiling_imp: gonna give the shops some royalties?

Sounds like you are looking for at least a tip.

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fixed it, dont want to cause any trouble :slight_smile:

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Find a place yet? TheExiled needs some players. We get up to lvl8 titans, but not required. If you opt in war, participation is required. We don’t stress about all flags not used unless we lose war. Life happens and your real life comes first. We don’t talk much as the game after years of playing has drained us lol.

We meet again, my friend. Heart warming to recognize another old warrior here!

On Blood Brigade we have 3 spots , may I ask what level players r u 3 ? We cap titans at 12* unless rare and finish top 700 everything , let me know asap ,thanks