Looking for 1 advanced player for Texas Titan killers

We’ve been around since the start of the game, but we are not looking to be a top alliance (though occasionally some of us break into top 100…ive been as high as #7). We’re much more laid back than the super competitive teams but we are looking for someone with a decently developed AW roster of 30+, that will attack the Titan daily (we’re regularly killing 8s and occasionally 9s) and ideally is social. If not chatty then at least someone who pays attention to the chat so we can do a bit of AW coordination. We have a Facebook group as well but participation is optional. Turn over is extremely low but we recently lost a really strong member and would like to find someone that can fill his shoes.

If this sounds good to you please jump into Texas Titan killers. (you don’t need to be from Texas, im not).


Hey Marlenus. I am an elder in another alliance, but there are many members not participating so I am thinking about finding a new alliance. I do travel for work about 3 days during the week so I may miss a titan here and there, but typically hit them all and of course the wars. So check out my team and let me know your thouugts. I don’t live in TX either, but in Louisiana so I am cloae haha

Hey you’re absolutely more than welcome to join. I don’t know how to see your team but sounds like you’ve been around the block a bit. Most of us are professionals and have to miss a Titan here or there due to our jobs. Not an issue at all, just let us know if you’ll be travelling. I do t know if you’re ready to make the jump immediately but just in case I set the alliance invite only so someone can’t jump in.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah man I am down. Send me the invite and I will leave my current alliance and join you guys. We just lost another titan due to lack of participation SMH. Do I need to leave my current alliance first? 1st time joining a new one

I just left my alliance, waiting for the invite. Thanks a lot, look forward to kicking some a$$

There’s no way to locate or invite people in E&P (which is kind of silly), you’ll need to search for Texas Titan Killers in the alliance search box and apply to join. We’ll get your message and approve.

I did that but the request to invite box is not highlighted so I cannot click on it.

how many cups are you? I have it set to 2000 minimum, i wonder if that’s the reason you cant click? I can reduce that if that’s the cause. if that’s not the cause i’ll just set the alliance public so you dont need approval.

i just dropped it to 1600 in case that was the problem.