Guys we’ve been close to the top 100 for a while now, we have a great core of players and are so close but keep falling short.
We’re getting 10 stars but not beating them YET and need dedicated players to help us, min trophy req 2000 to join, 1 space currently but could be more.
Our mission is to make top 100 and go from there, can you help us? Are you sick of an inactive alliance? Are you happy to be with 25 2000 plus players and not always be top dog? If so and you want some real heavy war battles and lots of free advice in the chat or line let us know!!!
Let me know.if keen as no live spaces now but can maybe boot
Hey! I have 1800+ trophies and I’m a dedicated player. Team is still leveling up and sitting at 3200 power with tons of room for improvement. I use my hits on all fronts every time and would love to join especially since I’m on the east coast! My username is peen. I can’t request to join because trophies are set to 2000 - I have 1850 now. Does this disaqualify me?
Thanks so much!! My chat function is currently down. Will write up a small intro and send through once my alliance chat feature comes back online!! Super excited and can’t wait to kick some butt!