Levelling advice

I agree with @Otherpeter

“Bad” is all relative. A “bad” hero might be good if it fills a gap in your roster. My roster is very lacking in 4*/5* green so I still use many 3* green (including Carver and Isshtak) for my war hits sometimes if we’re facing blue tanks. And you don’t need any rare mats for 3*s so really they’ll give you more in return than you put in especially if you’re F2P

Totally shameless plug now but if you want to see them in action XD :stuck_out_tongue:

(This was a good board and a bad defense team set up haha I know but they can be pretty good):

Ha ha, that sounds so like me playing, only you swear less :laughing:

Dear all - quick question on levelling a 5 star from 3/79 to 4/80. How many 2* of the same colour take to get them to 4/80 from 3/70?

371 2* same colour heroes

:+1: ::::::/£:::::::://