Next yellow project?

My yellow maxed heroes are Vivica, Wu Kong, & Melia. I have 1 Ranvir at 4/74 so he’ll be finished soon. My next project will be one of the following: Ranvir #2, Poseidon, Hu Tao, or Chao. What direction do y’all think I should head in?

Poseidon is leaps and bounds ahead of the others and if you already have 2 or 3 four stars leveled, go with the fish king. No one needs 2 Ravnirs. Your other option for a quicker, less materially demanding option is Hu.


No need for a 2nd Ranvir imo.

In my heart I really want to say Chao since you only have 1 hero for yellow 4* depth. However… it’d be all around better to have Poseidon at 3.70, than a maxed Chao.

I vote Poseidon

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I guess I really am yellow poor :laughing:

If you can ascend Poseidon to 4.80 then level him without a doubt if not go with Chao


In my very very honest opinion… it should be Poseidon either 3.70 or 4.80, he is awesome, my Poseidon currently at 4.74, he is helped me since unleveled (1.1) in my cleanup war team, he is my 1st *5, and since I get Poseidon, I do not have any *4 ascended yet (thats why I level him later, after Wu Kong and Jackal maxed), so he is so long at 1.1. I do not regret either way.
Because leveling *5 need more resources, and my building not yet complete TC19 not yet up, etc… so after ascend *4, now I have TC19, have more recruit etc… easier to max *5 later on.

So, IMO it depend on your building status, are all farm at lvl20? etc…
But, Poseidon 3.70 is very good, just make sure skill at 8/8.

And Poseidon is counter Hel, Proteus, Miki, Peters, Hansel, Gretel, Merlin, Little John, Soccerer proc.

Skill Icon Desc Overwritten
Mana Protection ManaShield Resists new negative mana ailments ( ManaBlock ManaGenDown ManaSteal) and effects that reduce mana ManaShield
Special Skill Protection SilenceShield Resists new status effects that block special skill activation ( MindlessAttack Silence SpellSlayer) SilenceShield

Now he is ready pair well with Jackal. :+1: :ok_hand:


No need for even one ranvir, save darts for fish king

OP definitely should give darts to fish face but there is always room for one Ranvir! I have him to thank for 135k+ hits on purple titans and he’s awesome raiding.

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I keep duplicates of all 5*s I get in wait for news of the hero academy (no details yet, but if they make dupes useful then I’ll save them till I’m blue in the face).

As far as leveling dupes: I think a few 5*s have good reasoning to do that. In Poseidon’s case, I’d prefer to have 2 Joons though.