Just pulled him from ha10. Is he worth the darts to add to my mono team or save them for someone else?
If you are f2p yes, because it will be a while until you get someone better, but if you spend even a bit I’d wait. I have maxed him on my f2p alt and he is serviceable, but have only just moved him up on my main account when I had more than 12 darts. I had him quite a while before there were no other better yellow projects to work on
It’s tomb of tactics in lacking. I have 1 more for vanda. Nov 11 is the rate quest for it, so idk if he’s worth using the tomb on.
he deserves nothing more than deodorant
I mean you levelled Justice already. So Leonidas is def worth levelling provided that your materials are not needed with other better 5* heroes.
Justice was my first 5s I ever got fully ascended. She’s my boo bear.
He is better than justice in my opinion. And if you get his new costume he will be fantastic.
So if it was me - I would wait until you do any pulls in costume chamber.
Good luck
Save him, you might get lucky and get his costume
Oh JGE already said it
I wouldn’t you’ll get something better eventually.
IMHO, max Leonidas if:
- You have at least 12 darts, or
- You got his costume, or
- You are free to play and don’t summon much using gems and cant wait for eternity just getting a better holy legendary that may not fall on your lap.
I hope this helps.
Do we know when his costume is coming out and what his stats are going to look like?
Possibly in December.
He was my first 5* holy so I maxed him immediately. These days he is the least used 5* hero on my roster. Just better options out there including some 4* emblemed heroes (Gullinbursti, Mist, Jackal, etc…). I’d hold off if I were you.
Leonidas’ costume is beastly! I maxed my Leonidas. If I get the costume in December (or whenever it is finally released), I will definitely try for it. If I get it, I’ll will max and put emblems on him. CLeonidas will be huge against Purple tanks and Titans. I have saved all costume keys for the cLeonidas release.