Latest Pull please help on Teams, Ascension and Emblems

Hi there,

I did some pulls today and would like to know your valuable opinion on what to do next:


My Questions are:

  1. Do I even need to level up any more 3-Star Heroes? Does it make sense (which one)?
  2. Which Heroes would you focus on and put your Emblems on?
  3. What would be your favourite Defense Team based on the Heroes I have?

Thanks in advance, really appreciate your input!


Longterm for challenge events and raid tournaments. I still level up 3* heroes when I’m looking to save food (since they take so little to max) and ascension materials (if my only 4* or 5* option isn’t great). I keep at least one of each unique 3* myself.

You’re lacking a fast dispeller, which is where Mnesseus or Tyrum come in.

Duplicate snipers are good for challenge events. Namahage, Balthazar, Gato, Bane, Mnesseus, Berden, etc. Pick the ones that hit hardest on your roster and level only those as duplicates.

Chochin and Melia personally I think one of each is good enough. Same with Muggy and Gill-Ra.

You’ve already picked good candidates for those emblems imo. Even Berden is a good choice, as he’s a solid 3* with a great secondary effect.

Your G. Jackal should get the majority of your rogue emblems once he’s maxed. You can go ahead and give the wizard emblems to Kiril too, he’s a very useful support hero even when raiding in diamond (guide him towards defense + HP whenever possible). Ditto G. Falcon.

Max G. Falcon and G. Jackal for your next red and yellow heroes, and then set up your defense team like this:

Caedmon | Kiril | G. Falcon | Proteus | G. Jackal


Thank you for your helpful precise answers. Thats really helpful for me.

What about my 5*star Heroes? Musashi, Grazul and Kingston. Why shouldn’t I priotize on them on the long run?

Well that depends if you have the materials to upgrade them. Do you have 6 poison darts, 6 mystic rings, and 6 mystery tonics? You’ll need those + 3 tomes of tactics and 3 damascus blades to upgrade them fully.

If you don’t, then I suggest upgrading more of your 4*s in those colors first. I suggest the Guardians because they’re going to longterm be awesome heroes for raiding, even in diamond. No other hero yet can cast their respective elemental defense drops. And they’re faster to level up than your 5*s.

For green I think Gadeirus is worth bringing up before focusing on Kingston. He’s one of the few green heroes that buffs attack, and that will be valuable for fighting blue titans.

  1. Do I even need to level up any more 3-Star Heroes? Does it make sense (which one)?<

Definitely level up Namahage out of the three stars you have. As you do not have any of Namahage. He is useful for 3 star tourneys and rare difficulty events.

  1. Which Heroes would you focus on and put your Emblems on?<

Personally I would focus on the following for now: Triton, Gormek, Kingston, G. Jackal, and Ameonna. That would be my first string of rainbows to focus on at the moment. As far as emblems go, definitely emblem G. Jackal as that evade is necessary for surviving. Another one that would be good to emblem is Wu Kong. Especially if you use him a lot in titan fights.

  1. What would be your favourite Defense Team based on the Heroes I have?<

Going off of your roster I would have them in this order: Proteus, Triton, Caedmon, Rigard, Gormek.

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