Kunchen vs Victor

Hello everyone! I’m currently having an issue trying to determine which 5* purple to ascend. I have enough for 1! My current 5* 4/80 heroes are Aeger and Evelyn.

I don’t want to waste my materials! Any advice would be great!

If you have quite a few 4* healers levelled up for war, then I would go with Victor. If not, then Kunchen.

Kunchen’s special is still good at 3/70 when maxed 8/8 so if you need more damage in your teams, max Victor.

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I currently have Sabina maxed out as well as keshrik.

I have victor and rarely use him. I don’t think he is good damage dealer.

I don’t have kunchen but often meet him on raid. He is very good as a tank.

So, my suggestion is ascend kunchen


Both good characters so I don’t think you could “waste” the mats on either. That said Kunchen is best at tank. But you already have Aegir who can tank.

I haven’t played with Victor myself but he sounds and looks strong.

Do you have any other snipers you are close on? Who would Victor replace?

Here is what I’m working with

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I use Victor for everything, defense, raids, titans. With lvl11 mana troops, he can really go off every turn!

I see kunchen more as a defense tank. If you are comfortable in diamond, then no urgency to ascend kunchen unless it’s for AW with dark tanks.

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I would have said Kunchen tank with Aegir flank but you have QoH for flank and that would be too many damage lite heroes. Aegir tank, QoH flanking and Victor for the kill.

As someone who has faced Victor but doesn’t have him, I can say he is a real PIA beast. Kunchen is the best tank in your roster (IMO) but with Aegir/QoH tandem you have no need to push Kunchen since you would essentially be duplicating functions. Victor doesn’t have that problem.

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I am currently lacking damage heros at this time, but if I use Victor I would have to find another healer to replace them as my healers are both purple. I have Vivica at 3/70, but I’m about to lvl up guardian jackel and feel he is better.

Is this for offensive raids or stronghold defense team? Jackal is NOT a defender, glass cannon. You use him when you control him but far too squishy to defend.

When raiding you can (should?) color stack so double purple isn’t a problem. IF you want a rainbow team for both offense and defense I am then a bit flummoxed.

I use Victor as a finisher or a ‘starter’ after or in advance ('cause he’s very fast) my heroes that are slower who don’t outright one-shot others.

I run mono, and Khiona doesn’t one-shot anyone, but if I get Victor hitting, then bleeding out a hero for a couple turns, and THEN hit with Khiona, all good.

Also, Victor is VERY FAST - and then gives your team a Defence buff at 30 per cent for 3 turns. THAT is an underrated bonus to Victor who usually fires just before the other team’s fast heroes, and mitigates their damage.

His health-steal helps mitigate his squishiness.

I like Victor.

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Both actually. Right now my Def reaid team is


I seem to get steam rolled in raids by lots of fast teams. For offense, I don’t have a lot of fast attackers fully lvled which I’m working on now with guardian jackel for yellow. Just not sure on what route to take with what I have.

His Def buff would come in handy as it takes a little while for aegers skill to go off.

Ultimately you can’t go wrong - but Victor and Krunchy show up in top 100 teams’ defence fairy often. They’re A-grade (not A+ like Gravy, Guin, Zeline, Kage) but good solid A level heroes.

If you have or might likely get Rigard in the future, I’d go Victor, and fully level the MUCH CHEAPER (mats wise) Rigard to fill Kunchy’s roll until you get the mats for him.

But if you’re lucky, by then you’ll have Panther or Sartana and be asking the same question all over again.

I have Rigard. Guess I’ll start lvling him next. I already have a fully lvled Sabina.

could be a very annoying tank/flank-combo.
Put two Liannas on the wings and you’ve got a top def…

I wasn’t fortunate enough to pull Krunchy myself, and Rigard is my healer on my mono team - but I routinely hunt Guin tanks in the 4100tp range to score max points in cups. Rigard is not much of a downgrade considering his faster firing v.s. Kunchen.

Truth is, there is a place for both healers on your team, so Leveling Rigard won’t be a short term stop-gap so much as it will be a general strengthening long term.

Thanks everyone for your input/advice. The consensus seems to go toward Victor at this time. Kunchen seems to still do ok at 3/70 so I’ll hold off on him and prob go work on Victor.

Will give it a day though in case there is anymore input? All is welcome!