Kunchen or Frida

I know it is silly to asume but … :-). What if im lucky enough to pull Kunchen today. Or if i can get Frida tomorow. I have 3000 diamonds and i can make 1 x 10 atlantis. Try for Kunchen today, or wait for new HOTM?

This is a tough call. I think Frida will be more desired to be honest.

You need to look at your team and see what would fit better if you got them. If you have Rigard I would definitely wait until tomorrow.

I pulled Kunchen during the event. He will be at 60 for a bit. So I am waiting until tomorrow myself. Probably would have if I hadn’t pulled him as I am pretty deep in Purple (Khiona and Victor).

I have rigard, khiona and tiburtus all maxed. Plus cashire cat, khiona and rigard not fuly lvled. I have almost maxed aegir, maxed kiril and maxed grimm and thorne 2/60

My vote is for Kunchen. There are far fewer 5* healers compared to damage dealers, so your odds of getting the damage dealer you want goes up from other pulls. Kunchen is also one of the few healers who can sit in center.

Not only that, but Frida will also be available during the March Atlantis summons, as well as the two other events going on during March. Today is the last chance for Kunchen, but there will be 3 events (not including this Atlantis) where you can pull Frida.

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Atlantis and TWO OTHER events? What two would those be? Grimforest and… ??


Calendar | Empires and Puzzles Wiki | Fandom Hope this helps

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Well Frida is out! Hope you made the right decision :smile:

Very helpful. Thank you very much.

Hey, i decided to pull 1 token and 400 atlantis coins for Kunchen. And leave diamonds for Frida. And from token pops up this:

Well its not Kunchen but i am more then happy with her. And im saveing coins and diamonds for Frida. Will post here how it goes. :slight_smile:

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Wow congratulations :tada:

Didn’t get Frida but i pull Misandra so im happy :wink: