I think because Klaern is hotm and accessible, a lot of attention is given to how bad he is.
Do not let that distract you from how exeera is actually worse. If exeera was a hotm, poor klaern would be spared so much of this ridicule.
Exeera is sooooo bad that I think anytime someone tries to load a Costume Roc card, it should be preceded by a warning not to look if you are an exeera owner.
I know people say… Save one copy… But there are several heroes I haven’t gotten that i wanted… And life goes on. So a hero that i don’t want… If i didn’t have a copy of him… So be it.
Poll Question- What is Klaern’s Primary Purpose?
Answer- To collect dust on the bench
Poll Question- Where is Klaern best used on defense?
Answer- Only used when someone is purposely cup dropping.
Poll Question- How Is Klaern best used?
Answer- his weak a$$ should never see combat. Keep him just to prove you’ve kept your hotm streak in tact, or feed him to a good 3* like Treevil, or use him to get a worthwhile hero in Soul Exchange
Overall, Klaern is a complete fail. A disgrace to the title “hotm”. How he was released like this is beyond all reasonable or logical thinking.
Omg that defense. Watching Klaern with Xnolphod and c Panther is like seeing my neighbor hanging out with a bunch of Victoria’s Secret models (my neighbor isn’t a very attractive guy).
You could LB 10 Mireweaves and it wouldn’t be nearly as weird as this.
The funniest thing is that you can actually see how he’s helpless, no matter the circumstances. He just stand there among great heroes like a mascot, a cheerleader, nothing more.
I have Margaret, Noor and Aegir. All were buffed once, but still not that great. Noor has a use and Margaret but I don’t use Aegir ever anymore. So there is hope for a Klaern buff. Just hope it would be a good one unlike the heroes just mentioned
My neigbor would most likely do the same: keep a low profile and hope nobody notices how improbable the situation is looking.
My favorite part was: “Hmmm… I could use Loki to copy Xnolphod, c Panther or Gazelle. What to do, what to do? I know, Klaern it is! Shiver mere mortals, victory shall be mine!!!” Literally nothing happens
Nice addition for beginners and mid tier players especially for rush as he resists any problematic direct manacontrol effects except for slow.
Nice to see an addition like that as a free bonus chance.
Players on top tier likely will not need him though but after a series of pretty good hotms i am ok with a more mediocre one. At least he feeds my soul exchange.