Sorry for being late. Had a very busy day…
New update to the team. Used inari 2.50 instead of Grimm 3.60
Also ascended Scarlett & L John to last ascension. Both were 3.60 last time … now they are about 4.40
Regular returning staples were
Grimm 4.80
Azlar 4.64 ( slightly improved on level )
Overall: I Walked in with the arsenal to go nuclear on Azlar and company …had to use some health pots to keep the gang Alive which got everyone through to boss level…(as seen in the pic)
Half way through the boss battles , I did not watch the mana bar and Inari suffered death by Nagshar’s special. Scarlett fired too making my team attack weakened … lost LJ by Nagshar’s special …so I had to use the arsenal to stop the madness … Ultimately securing the win with Grimm and Azlar alive.
Reflections : I’ll replace Inari with a 3.60 Danzo and see how it goes and possibly level him to 4.80
@zephyr1 Thank you for the opportunity to letting me discuss my trials