JTD Knights of Ni looking for new members or a merge

We are a group of players from all over the world. We usually attack 6 and 7 star titans. The only rules are if your absent more than 3 days or if you join war and don’t attack 3x’s then kicked. Very casual and helpful team that likes to relax and have fun. If this sounds like you then look up JTD and join.

JTD has been around for about a year now and we just had to clean house of a few inactive players, we have 11 spots open if you want a relaxing no hassle alliance, we currently battle 6 star titans and would love to help you grow.

Hi JTD, if you guys are ever considering merging with another alliance, come check us out - the Flying Hellfish.

We are active, supportive and fun bunch of peeps with a great leader. Members of all level helping each other out.

Feel free to message me on LINE (ID kira981112)

8 spots open, we know life happens, casual alliance, war optional, help take down Titans and grow with us.

Thanks, but we have about 20 solid players so unless its a small alliance we couldn’t merge.

We are a veteran alliance with a few newer players who are looking to merge with another alliance. If we join you, you must be willing to listen to us say “Ni”. If you join us, you’ll be awesome nerds like we are. We recently had a few players leave our alliance for various reasons, and now we are only 13 members, the few and proud. Our trophy rules are 1400+, and we are levels 39-88. We have been laid-back with our Titans but require war flags if opted in.

I have 15 currently in my alliance and am looking to merge with another alliance also, we have been playing for 3 plus years now with some newer folks as well, we’ve had people drop out for various reasons and are looking to rebuild. We are very casual and have similiar requirements in that if you opt into war use all flags. We would like to grow ao we can take on bigger titans, currently we usually hit 7 stars. We would like somewhat active players but we know life happens as well. We are not very chatty but help and encourage as we play. If interested let me know or send someone over to JTD. And you can say Ni all day long, lol.

We are looking for a possible merge or joim our team. We have been a 30 player team for years and recently lost players to top 100 alliance. You can contact me or Vragman on LINE app. Thanks

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We are a laid back group of individuals who have been playing for years, JTD joined with the Knights who say Ni very recently and we have a few more spaces to fill.

About us:
We are from all over the world but mostly the u.s. and speak english in the chat. We all are active but we also realize life comes first. We are currently hitting 6 star titans but will be moving up quickly with the new merger. We try to coordinate war tanks but everything else is ffa. We have all levels and some ftp and others ptp mix. We are not looking to become competitive but we do want to continue to grow. We have 7 spots available.

We have officially become the JTD Knights of Ni, come join us as we start our new adventure together. Thanks for reading.

But do you expect the Spanish Inquisition? There is two of us looking like a fit - we are casual gamers with years of experience, 2k + trophies, 55 and 62 levels, mostly active, we both do have our own life prioritized so skipping titans/wars every now and then. Mostly then though (i for one didnt miss neither for months).

Not expecting spanish inquisition as we spoke in depth and visited each others alliance before we joined to make sure we are a good fit. we wouod love to have you both join us, the only downside right now, if you want to call it that, is that the titans are going pretty quick since we have so many more players now, the only thing about missing war is opt out beforehand is all we ask. Thanks for inquiring.

“Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!” Haha, speaking of the knights of Ni made me think of this other Monty Python classic, was just a joke :slight_smile: Titan-wise it is worth to consider to allow time for everyone to have their hit and share of the loot, as we do, we only go forward with killing when everyone did some damage OR it is less than 4 hours to go. Cheers, we see what we decide later on!

Monty python is where the other alliance got there name, we did start doing that with Titans to allow others to hit, now its gone up to 8-9 stars so they last a little longer as well. Yeah noone expects the inquisition but so far so good.

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Hey. Are you guys UK based? Me and a mate are both experienced players that decided to quit and start over. 4200 & 4500 tp with 6 war teams each. Looking for an active alliance, UK based. Titans over 5* and all flags used in war. Despite having fairly basic rosters now we both have a solid understanding of the game. R

We have merged with JTD to become JTD Knights of Ni. We aren’t UK based. Thanks to everyone who expressed interest!

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Hey there, we are soldiers of ra . We are running through some similar b.s. w players. We are an adult group and have a few folks who have been tossed because of same issues.we are down to 13 players sadly

we were two alliances that merged but some have moved on or stopped playing so we are looking to rebuild. Casual alliance, not much chatter but always willing to help. Hit titans when on and use all flags or opt out of war. we have a system for war where if you don’t use all flags then you must opt out of the next war, if not you will be demoted until finally kicked. We know life happens and this system seems to be working, if you forget to opt out and get demoted you can get re promoted if you opt out the next one Looking for active players that can assist our team and stick around. Currently hiiting 8-9 star titans. We have 12 spots open

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we were two alliances that merged but some have moved on or stopped playing so we are looking to rebuild. Casual alliance, not much chatter but always willing to help. Hit titans when on and use all flags or opt out of war. we have a system for war where if you don’t use all flags then you must opt out of the next war, if not you will be demoted until finally kicked. We know life happens and this system seems to be working, if you forget to opt out and get demoted you can get re promoted if you opt out the next one Looking for active players that can assist our team and stick around. Currently hiiting 8-9 star titans. We have 12 spots open

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We currently have 15 members that are active daily. We are ffa wars optional but use all flags if you join. Hit titans if you are on, we know life happens and comes first. We would merge with the right fit, very casual but active alliance. No line or discord needed.

East of the Equator would love to have you join us.
We are a family of 5 alliances. We currently have 9 spots open on our main team . However i know at least 3 that are looking to move to 1 of our lower alliances. So thats 12 for the main team. The rest could go in our other teams till we have more openings.
We are currently killing 14 star titans regularly but could string them all with your help. We are using dark tanks for war and use all our flags.
We also have a fantastic library on our discord channels we share with over 500 members.
Just hit the link below ( it brings you to our welcome channel) where we can chat about a merge.

We will share our library with you just for checking us out. Yours to keep and use rather you join us or not
Nothing to lose and its free.
Or you can send over a scout to East of the Equator