JTD Knights of Ni looking for new members or a merge

Hey Cy,

We’re in a similar boat at TBD. Check out our recruitment thread and see if it feels right. Happy to chat more here or pop in and say hi.

We’re at 19 at the moment but that includes 3 alts and there’s a couple of valued but “passive” members who’d be happy to move to our mini proper chill out sister alliance if needed. We could fit you all in.


I just checked out your alliance and it seems like you all are active, i would like to come over and see how you all work together and ask questions. I see you are invite only though and would like to join on an alt account but its less than 2000 trophies. Thanks.

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Thanks but we are all looking to stay together.

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I would like to check you guys out but my alt account is less than 2000 trophies.


More than happy for you to come across to TBD and check everyone out, the people are the best part of an alliance*

What trophy level would be required for the account

*the clubroom is pretty good too :grin:

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I’ve lowered the requirements for you. Pop on over when you’re ready

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