I don’t see him being a Kunchen counter. Yes, he would counter the debuff, but Kunchen is a tank. A purple tank. JF is red. JF needs 8 tiles. Are you stacking red vs Kunchen? Even in the minor set of a 3- 2 yellow-red, it would take ideal conditions to counter Kunchen before he can fire once, and JF doesn’t flip a defense down buff that he already has on him.
Killing kunchen and neutralizing his defense down are two different matters. I was not referring to killing him as i said, his defense down will be neutralized with proper timing.
In wars? Absolutely. Not many that have a roster capable of continuously stacking yellow for 6 hits lol
No, yes there is mono yellow, but there is also mono red, mono blue, mono green, and even mono purple for a non Kunchen team lol… mono4lyfe
kunchen would also cleanse his burn. Not ideal.
Coming from the one who uses Alby in the right corner over the left? Doubt they’d be concerned about facing someone who thinks that the best route to take
I almost always take mono to Kunch tanks. Lot of time for board manipulation to get your tiles
Work on paper, my Grazul need 6 tiles to charge won’t agree with you
Damn, some people whine so much on here. SG could come out with a hero that is very fast and does 700% damage to all heroes with a 900 attack stat and y’all would look the other way because nErFs aRe RuIniNg tHiS gAmE!
JF seems like a fantastic hero. Yeah, maybe he’s not the terrifying OP version that originated in beta, but that was never going to fly anyways with such power. JF is very much a supporting damage dealer and at fast speed on flank, he will easy go off 2-3 times in a game which will already take out about 50% of the health of the entire enemy team. That’s pretty damn good for a supporting damage dealer. His supporting abilities will help him stay alive longer and keep on using his ability.
Hitting every single hero is devastating. Usually I can kill Azlar before he goes off. If i don’t, it’s basically a guaranteed win for the other team. At fast speed, I am much more terrified of JF. The two turns will make it hard to cleanse effectively and the fast speed will allow him to use his special again quicker than you’ll recharge your cleanser (probably)
My only critique of JF is that he is a wizard. I would much rather have him have a different class. I can’t give up my emblems for my guin tank
Get your flags here, they’re on sale NOW! LIMITED TIME ONLY! Buy one get one free!
Its ok, i just thought that a fast skill is easier to time against a slow skill with the disparity in speed. I maybe wrong in your perspective but in my experience, most of the time, my fast heroes charge their mana before the enemy slow heroes.
It was a matter of time in this thread
Just wanna mention…he started it…
Does elemental -def work while his special is up or does he reverse that to
He’ll be good vs kunch
8 tiles before a slow tank charged isn’t extremely rare
And paired with zim he’ll be even better vs kunch
There’s a reason people prefer average or fast tanks instead of slow and it’s because slow are easier countered and are more forgiving on bad boards
Kunch is a good tank but ursena is better…why? Mana speed + damage + reflect strong color where as kunch is slow, heals, and drops defense, the defense drop can be countered in a lot of different ways and his elemental link buff isn’t as punishing as ursenas reflect
I’ll face a slow tank over an average tank any day of the week and twice on sunday
Just my 2 cents
Elemental def down activates his def up
Now the elemental debuffers that dispel are safe
Sure they cant lower his defense vs elemental while his special is up
But they can dispel his defense up
Panther fires
His defense up is triggered
Then dispelled immediately
Jackal, falcon, king arthur just proc his def up without the dispel so not the 3 you’d prefer to take vs him in my opinion
Yea i was ignoring the thread until my line got hit with opening statement “some moron has a hard on for you guys” and had to check it out and of course respond
If i was mods and devs I’d just b a n us both and call it good
That’s my birthday wish every time I blow out the candles
Lol new thread: the worst birthday wishes players make
i gotta say that richard looks somewhat barbaric and not very civilized.