Jean-François – 5* Fire/ Red - February 2020 HOTM (Hero of the Month)

Vela its much better then Neith and JF for me.


I thought the same thing, changes in Beta are still considered “development”, right? This is the first version most players will know. It’s really just an inconsequential semantic thing, but it jumped out at me too (maybe just because I’m not a Beta tester).


Curious if anyone that thinks he’s bad has played vs him yet? On defense he can burn you for around 460 with no emblems and can cause problems if you rely on defense down type heroes (panther, Frida, eve, Athena, kunchen types) which quite a few folks use in stacks. Would I have liked to see 3 turns, yep, but he’s released and what he’s released as is a usable hero that can help win matches on offense and defense.


Or Sonya or Triton…

Oh yeah… Wizards cast fire spells sometimes, lol.

So does Jinx increase his dot or is it completely useless for him


It can increase his tile damage, but not DoT.

So it’s not useless, but is a very poor synergy


I liked it what i saw. He main advantadge is to strike fast and continuously. So you, in a way, make sure to have a non stope burning damage. If it works this way, is something huge. In my opinion


Yeah agreed, need him to go off multiple times. At fast mana I think he is worth a shot. With emblems the DoT could be around 350 if one followed the sword path I believe. His DoT is already up to 314 on mine. With lots of 5* hovering in the 1300-1400 hp when maxed his DoT drops hp approximately 40%-50% for all enemy heroes if he goes off just twice. Seems alright to me.

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I couldn’t disagree more.

I’ve fought against both Vela and Neith, both heavily emblemed, and in my experience Neith is by far more effective with blind plus mana cut preventing an immediate cleanse and delaying crucial specials. Vela does maybe 200 damage and is easily cleansed afterward.

It’s too early to compare to JF, of course, but JF’s D-Down Flip alone makes him more versatile. It takes both a cleanser and a dispeller to counter him (I suppose that makes Snow White a natural counter for JF).


Boosting his crit could help tough, autoattacks that crits deals double damage and if Jinx would proc on top of that he would deal massive damage.

All by himself he could reach 27% crit chance with his own elemental link, a maxed crit troop and his obliged emblem node.


I don’t want to argue, it just doesn’t make sense, one way or another no one hears us and that starts to get boring. I also met them with 18 and 19 talents and I have my own vision. This is my opinion, does not need anyone to agree with this.


Don’t ask to buff JF, remember that you need to max emblem him to see his true power :grin:


Agreed, same goes for mine. :slightly_smiling_face:

I dont have it and I dont think to roll for this hero if accidentli I get it he will stay for long time unleveled. I make this mistake with Neith I give 6 darts to her and now my Poseidon will wait for another set of darts.

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Sure he may be better defensively, but I’m curious how he handles offensively. It seems he hits softer than Vela.

A very fast hero like Grazul can charge later than Kunchen tank but a lot of guys are crazy about JF skill :grin: wait and see him in practice

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What I said and on the another trade my Grazul and The Hatter are ready for him, we will live and see it :grin:.

Exactly what I’m trying to do.

Pulled for him but again, don’t have luck on my side. Even 2 turns dot, he is still a great hero. Especially on offense. Kunchen, isarnia and other defense down heroes will be neutralized. And its easy to time his SS since he’s fast as compared to slow defense down heroes.

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