Is Ptolemy a good versatile 4* Healer/ a better Replacement for Melendor/CMelendor?

HI Guys,

I was curious as to whether anyone has been using Ptolemy as a go to 4* healer and whether he stacks up compared to some of the old S1 favourites I have been using Azmia with some good results so no wondering whether Ptolemy could fill in for Melendor / CMelendor on one of my teams. All feedback appreciated Tx.

  • Melendor/CMelendor
  • Ptolemy

0 voters

I use both. Mel for dispel. Ptolemy for ailment blocking. I give an edge to Mel.


They are both good heroes and you should use both… Situation obviously matters on if you need dispel or need to stop ailments. Neutral situations I’d use ptolney… something like bera where each minion tries to poison you can generate massive healing for 3 heroes. Where there are no shortage of taunts (krampus, Ludwig, black knight, kara) where you need dispel.


Defensively ptolemy is better

Ptolemy is a maniac. Totally worthy of emblems and lots of use. Enjoy!


I Like a Maniac LoL, a wierd Potbellied maniac. :rofl:


Melendor has a widely available superior in the form of C. Sabina. Ptolemy does not have a similar skill in his tier and even with considering 5* s, El Nad is the one who has that ailment block but she is a damage dealer. So Ptolemy does not have to compete against Mel, but rather other meta 4* healers, like C. Rigard, D’Andre or even Wang Yuanji. I know they are not greens but these heroes are often used in 5* teams too. Mel does not really work against 5*s.

I’m waiting for the inevitable 5* ptolemy.

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I agree with those who said, it depends. Does the enemy have a lot of horrible status ailments? use Ptolemy. Does the enemy have a lot of dangerous buffs? Use Mel/C-Mel.

C-Mel has the reliable defense buff, while Ptolemy has the health boost passive. Also, C-Mel affects all, while Ptolemy only blocks ailments to nearby. So overall slight edge to C-Mel, but for me the big Q is: will cleanse be more important, or will dispel be more important?

They are both great. Though I have only 1 C Mel emblemed and LB’ed, but I’m gonna do 2 Ptolemys. I also have Brynhild and C Alby, so I’ve got quite a few green healers.

Some more substantiation for my earlier declaration that he’s a maniac:

  1. Stats at +20: 633, 742, 1688 on the path I took. That’s more HP than my Zuri +18
  2. His passive is a huge benefit
  3. The family bonus also helpful

His stats are bonkers.

He has a completely different purpose than Melendor, so it’s not a super fair comparison, but he’s an absolute beast. And fun to strategically deploy on offence.


i ate ptolemy like 5 times and costume Mel is a beast IN EVERY WAY. HIGH TILE DAMAGE, DISPEL, DEFENSE BUFF Ptolemy is just underwhelming with my other heroes

The only reason why ptolemy is not as good is because he only heals for adjecent allies. Otherwise, he has a really strong skill with good passives

He heals all allies. But debuff protection is for nearby only


Argh I keep messing up his skill because I haven’t train him yet. It’s his ailment shield that’s the most interesting to me

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worth it, i used him on war attacks….