Is it worth it?

Is this a good idea or am i just dumping 250 emblems for no reason?

That depends onnyour troops! Usually I emblem the 4% mana talent node on every of my heroes who has one( Monk/ Sorcerer/Druid).
You need 12% additional manageneration to fill her special with 9 tiles, that can be reached with a lvl.5 Magic or Styx troop (8%) and your 4% talent node.
Without it you need a lvl. 17 Magic, lvl. 16 Styx or lvl. 23 mana troop to reach this mana breakpoint.
To fire her after 8 tiles you need 25% additional mana, thats doable with a lvl. 23 Styx or Magic troop (17%), your 4% tslent node and a 5% bard bonus.
Without a bard you need an other mana boost e. g. from Ariel or Sif to fire faster, bug that is difficult to calculate.

The good thing of the 20th mana node is, you can wsit. Ifyour troops are not yet up for the task, save your ham or use it on your troops, and emblem this node if you can use it. If you have the luck to get a tome if golden emblems, this 20 th takent node is a very good place to spend the golden emblems saving 250 emblems snd all the ham snd iron.

Happy gaming


It’s good while you’re levelling your troops, but meaningless when you have your troops fully level.

1 mana troops + talents = 19% and do nothing unless you’ve Bard heroes or costume version helping to reach 8 tiles.

2 magic / styx troops + talents = 24% also meaningless. Even you have Bard hero together with costume version, these 4% still do not contribute any to reach 7 tiles.

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U dont need bard to go with her. For average is 10 tiles. It needs 12% for it to go 10 to 9 tiles which i find it sufficient. To get 3 matches(3 tiles).

But it helps when u have mana generators with u, it will make a difference. Let say cast queen anne, 44% mana gen + 20 magic/cyclops + 4% mana nod = 68%. U can charge her in 6 tiles.

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