Is chao really an option?

Hello guys. Im in a dilemma now. Having plenty orbs to spend but no clear choices in terms of what i need.
Would you mind helping me a little bit?

My main concern with yellow is to strengh my war team. When i use yellows in an attack i notice my lacking of speed more than power , however i understand that its a combination of both factors.

Anyways my yellows are the following, all maxed.

Costume Li xiu
Hu tao
wu kong

What happen here? that besides Joon and mist all the others lack in some aspects. Some are slow heros and others are made for titans (wu kong) but not for a mono team for example.

Will chao help to my team? i can strengh his attack. a little bit but that slow special % and his low base attack pushes me back. Though he being fast will help to my yellow stack for sure and has kind of synergy with mist special. Someday , when SG release chao costume he can be a good hero with his fast speed.

My other choices are good but niche and slow.
They are Guilinbursti , Justice and Gretel.

Here i lean towards Gretel but she is average , she would not solve my yellow speed problem and she doesnt be improved by a future costume. Shes a little squishy and i think she doesnt hit harder than Chao , isnt she?

and Guilinbursti ā€¦ I need more feedback about him

Finally I have gone for Gretel !!! so the dilemma goes towards Guilinbursti vs Chao now

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A little dated, but lots of good discussion around Chao here


Iā€™d max Gretel first. Her mana control is better than what Chao has.


I like gretel and chao either way is good and can save ur ash on raid.
I lean toward gretel first.

Gullinbursti i donā€™t know, donā€™t have him.

At the end of the day u will max all ur 4* yellow, there will be time when u get abundant orbs. The problem is who will u prioritize first.

I have abudant orbs to max all of them but i dont want to train all of them now. Thats why im trying to solve in my head who will be a better addition.

As you can see neither of my available choices shine as it would do for example a lady woorleton who would be a no brainer choice to max

Up to you. Chao or gretel are almost the same level

Regarding gullinbursti, this vid might help u:


Thanks @mogulemon
I have seen at Guilinbursti more on defense teams that in ofense .
As im looking for an attack / Ofensive hero i dont know up at what degree he would help me .
Yes he can heal in some way , but at slow speed :confused: it makes me wonder if its not better to run a 4-1 yellow with c.rigard instead a mono yellow with guilin

Another vote for Gretel. She (like other mana controllers) is great at stalling a particularly dangerous enemy hero, buying time to kill them with tiles or charge up other specials. And she is more effective at doing so than Chao is. I would not consider her niche.

You could fire Joon at one enemy hero, for example, and fire Gretel at another. You disable one with Gretel, while blinding another with Joon (if the enemy survives). Thatā€™s two heroes taken care of for the moment.


For war i might suggest chao. U can use him as cleanup team killing corner opponent when there is heal aid or arrow where u need to do everything quickly before they regain mana or get healed at full health


Thanks guys! you have been very helpful. Those opinions will help me to decide my next yellow project . Luckily i have emblems for some nodes either i choice chao or Gretel. (yep im that crazy guy who emblem 4* ) though i emblem my 5*, which are in my defense team, thats why sorcerers, wizards, druids and monks emblems are all used on those 5*

but barbarian and ranger are free

Actually you can fire Gretel at 3 - thatā€™s why sheā€™s average speed. Then Joon at a 4th.

Chao doesnā€™t do very much damage but there are situations when a fast mana cut is more important.

yes, Gretel hits 3 but only mana blocks one of them, hence my comment - she will only disable one.

O right, fair comment. I had a feeling even while I was typing it that Iā€™d forgotten somethingā€¦

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I absolutely vote for Gretel. Her and Chao are my two best mana controllers as I have not been blessed with Proteus, Hel, Hansel, etc.

Between the two Gretel is better IMO. I saved Gretel (+8ish) for the last level of ToL. I brought two bottle sizes of mana boost, kept her charging and she kept the enemy bosses generally silenced.

Here is why I think she is better on attack:

1- Her A value is easily the highest of any 4* yellow (except maybe S3 heroes, I donā€™t know them well yet), which is a notoriously weak A value genre. That means her special hits harder and her tile damage is much higher.

2- Her mana control is much better than Chao.

Chao makes his cut, which is a good cut, this isnā€™t a diss to Chao (I would diss Li Xiuā€™s cut in offense. To me she is a D hero), but then the enemy charges right away. If you get an accidental cascade some times it buys you only half a turn depending on the speed of the enemies mana.

Gretelā€™s cut lasts multiple turns and does damage. The trick with Gretel is to target a hero and then pump tiles (even non damage causing tiles) into them to bring their mana up. That way they take bonus damage for full mana while Gretelā€™s special is in effect. I believe Gretel is 3 turns so it is basically 3 extra hits against that enemy if you can do it right. Against bosses, etc, when this is repeated, that damage can stack pretty high by the end.

In base stats Chao has speed and survivability.

Gretel has higher damage, can hurt 3 in mob stages, and controls mana better.

If youā€™re embleming 4ā€™s Chao loses his benefit in survivability as you can compensate for that with talents. Given that difference now is speed, the pros point to Gretel.

I would still do Chao, he is good too. It is just Gretel as even hero is a different league.

Youā€™re not crazy at all. I am F2P and bring some of my 5ā€™s +7, but then stop. It is a better use of resources IMO to get multiple 4ā€™s to +18-20 than 1 5* to the +teens.

Truthfully when using 4ā€™s mostly I personally think the best combo is 3-2 (generally speaking of course). I understand this goes to play style too. Given youā€™re deciding between Chao and Gretel, and they are there for mana control, they can be the 1 in a 4-1 to help other colors control mana. Yellow 4ā€™s lack in A but are abundant in mana controllers.

I have heard Chao can become a good sniper going attack path on emblems too FWIW.

Hope this helps. Good luck and keep us posted.


Already quite a lot useful info given. Iā€™d like to add one minor point: Gretel might be more useful then Chao when it comes to titans. Her mana control and high attack are quite good on low to medium titans. If she can improve your yellow titan team, I would give her a try. Nevertheless, Chao is also good for other purposes. :wink:

Hello guys. I want to tell you that i have choiced Gretel . Shes doing fine and in a couple of levels , before shes max, i will finally repleace my hu tao from my main yellow war attack.

My yellow stack before gretel

Hu tao Joon C.Li xiu Mist wu kong

As soon as gretel hits the 40ties it will be

Gretel Joon C.Li xiu Mist and wu kong.

Next yellow i want to repleace is wu kong (excelent for titans , but not quite my playstile in war).

Who would suit better Wu Kong place?

Justice, chao or Guilinbursti?

I think chao is better in offensive but id like to know your opinion

@Muchacho @jinbatsu @TriNitro @sleepyhead @Gorann @SuuriKoira

any thoughts on guilinbursti? i dont have Vivica or another yellow healer. But , tested from first hand, im a little cautious before bringing a slow hero to battle(bad experiences with hu tao and colen , one of my first heroes who are closed to be benched on wars as my roster grows, tough Colen is still useful in some red stacks with the right heroes)

anyways , i ask about guilinbursti because it seems interesting on papper but i doubt about him on the field.


good choice with Gretel!

As for replacing Wu Kongā€¦ I do not have any experience with Gullinbursti, but on paper definitely seems good due to the HP boost. As you said, you donā€™t have a Yellow healer.

Chao doesnā€™t seem very useful, as you already have Li Xiu for mana cut and Gretel for mana control. Although, Chao is faster and can be used to target a very dangerous enemyā€¦ but between Chao and Gullin, I lean towards Gullin.

As for Justiceā€¦ it would be like putting a sturdier Hu Tao back into your raid offense. Ans you just took Hu out for Gretel :slight_smile: The slow mana speed, and the not-so-good effect turn me off (blind is nice, but much more effective if it fires early in battle rather than late!)

So between Chao, Justice and Gullin, I lean towards Gullin - though I do not have any practical experience.

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Thanks Sleepy ! Justice was my first tc 20 hero. I havent touched her and i doubt i will do unless my alliance starts to run yellow tanks .

Regarding Chao and Guilin i lean towards Chao , yeah finally the ā€œhawk masterā€ would see some love lol, however before starting with him i want to be sure that im not loosing a hidden gem in Guilinbursti

Guilinbursti is fantastic on both offense and defense. His special includes a nice attack component. And he raises your HP considerably.

Chao is ok, but eventually you will move on from him. He has good defense/HP, so will not die quickly like Gretel. I have Gretel, but have never needed her, having always had better yellows, and Proteus if I needed mana control. IMHO would not waste resources on Gretel if you have Proteus or other better mana control options like Hansel. Even then, Guilinbursti is a great choice. But if you do not like slow heroes like him, go with Chao.


Hi Zyzz i have two proteus and a Hansel.
However my yellow is my weakest color thats why i have to play which the tools the game gave me. Although its more likely i dont bring gretel to a fight where i can bring proteus or hensel or a fight where mana control is the aim
Thanks for your feedback !

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