Lets post all the correct in-game emoji list or @petri and staff can show us all the acceptable emoji codes
moderator’s note by @coppersky: adding shortcut to guide from post 169
Posted September 17th, 2023
Lets post all the correct in-game emoji list or @petri and staff can show us all the acceptable emoji codes
moderator’s note by @coppersky: adding shortcut to guide from post 169
Posted September 17th, 2023
smile and grin work, rage imp poop and sob do NOT.
hankey however does. 20 characters
:sword :
:rage doesn’t work but :angry does
Is there one for :can_of_worms:?
Write word in “lowercase”
Example : fox (and not Fox)
To me it looks like he’s trying to use his phone’s Emoji’s as opposed to typing in the :: code like you need to.
@Mariamne - is that an all inclusive or “so far” list?
There is more than that. Im in a group working on them all but that is a lot of them.
Mine doesn’t appear to be working, either. Pretty sure it’s user error as I always use the quick emojis instead of typing the code. Lol.
I’ve tried different ways, but no cute little or
shows up in chat
Edit: I have updated.
All letters have to be lowercase
That did it! Thank-you!! (See? User error )
You’re probably right. Thanks!
Did anyone find the flags?
Doesn’t work on my alt account either. It’s an older phone but does have the latest OS version (Apple iOS 11.4.1). My main account is on a phone that does not have the latest update and it works fine (now that my user error has been corrected. ). Your friend may have a similar issue??
Need code of flags
Try to use
where xx - code of flag
Not working