Hi guys and girls
Somehow I cant use the following name as my account name. It doesnt recognise the E and the D, even tho they are both latin characters. Really strange… does someone know why E&P havent integrated these characters?
Ψ Pоѕᴇıᴅоп Ψ
Thanks for help!
@zephyr1 Do you know why this wont work or can you ask someone from the E&P developer?
I’ve seen people have issues with characters that aren’t in the Basic Latin Unicode block. Only a very small subset of Unicode is supported in the game.
I’m not sure why it’s implemented that way, but it is. Some people with non-Latin names have had issues with their names not showing in the game at all.
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ye i understand if its non-latin. but these characters are both latin so this is very strange to me
Latin has extended sets in Unicode. They’re apparently not all supported.
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Do you know where I can find a list of supported characters, esp. for the Alliance name and description?
We‘re having an issue with our alliance name.
Unfortunately, no, I’m not sure if there’s an official list anywhere.
Beta is currently closed, but when it reopens (likely next week), I could try experimenting if there are specific characters you’re wondering about.
Hei Zeph, congrats on getting 8th in the tourney
Are you f2p btw?
Hi, Zephyr1,
that‘d be great!
Our Alliance name is:
= shadow foxes.
Any change in the description results in „improper name“ but the name was primarily accepted.
We think it could be due to the German character „ü“, but we don’t want to change our name to the international version using „ue“.
Do you need any more information?
Thx for your help!!!
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Hi Zephyr1,
our problem was submitted by another alliance member and you guys solved it by now. The settings were changed after reviewing our name since it doesn’t violate the rules.
Thanks a lot!!!
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Glad they took care of it for you!