I’ve been in the game for a couple years am sure it’s been now. I always hit titan, use my turns in war. Contribute to chat here and there.
The alliance i’m with has been around 20 people for awhile now and I just feel I need to be part of a more involved alliance. Considering I log into the game daily. Want to get my moneys worth ;).
Please leave a post here if you think I can fit in with your alliance. Leave any extra details as it can help me with making my choice. Thank you. I’ll try and make a decision in the next 3 days give or take.
Sixth Element would love to have you! We’re an international fun bunch of people with a well structured Discord channel, lots of banter and advice exchanged should you want that.
We’ve got internal competitions going every once in a while (even received some chocolate for third place ) , currently ~11* titans. Friendly groups of coleaders but I’m clearly biased…
We require 4+k defense for our members, using all war flags unless you have an emergency, and 80+k damage on titans, as well as joining Discord.
Hey Berry. Check our Bluecastle. We are a very quiet relaxed group. You’ll be one of the more powerful members so lots of chances to get A+ rating on Titans.
Hello there Berry! Looks like you would be a nice fit for Elite Force ii
We have been together for a long time and we have honed our game skills to the maximum. We farm 13*-14* titans and have a very high war score considering our rosters.
Check our recruitment thread here for any info ELITE FORCE 💀 I • II • III • IV • V - join the Force - #26 by kungFuDiscoElf
And contact me in Line for anything else! ID: karael1
Come check us out, “Tuck the Fitans”. We’re a pretty active group, some more competitive than others, but we also understand the the real world takes precedence. 10-11* titans, friendly people, many have been playing for years.
We recently had 1 or 2 people leave because they either needed a break or felt their spending was getting out of hand, but we have a pretty full group, currently 27 people. Happy to have you stop in for a bit and check us out to see if it’s the right fit.
[OP] I am fond of being able to communicate when offline to, like alliance chat or other. As it can help with getting people to use there turns to for war or even titan hits or events etc. The alliance i’m currently with have been using Line. Is nice being able to share pics to or any helpful links as well. Chat in general also.
You can check us out. I’m in the paradox family and think you would be a great fit. We are adult themed, loud, brash, disgustingly weird but fun and game oriented team. Give us a trial run and see what you think. Line is highly recommended.
I do not have 12 x 5stars maxed unfortunately. @princess1 . I think if i really wanted to i could but im just very conservative with my high ascension mats as they are hard to come by. I try to use them on heroes i wont have regrets about later on.
Come check us out, we might be a good fit for you.
We are an international alliance of 24 members looking for more active players to join us.
Our rules are simple, attack all titans and use all your flags in war if opted in… currently we fight 10-11* titans.
We use Line and Discord for easier communication, but it’s optional.
More info about us here:
We’re at 17 players right now, growing together, fighting 10-11* titans and winning wars! Check us out, you can visit and stay for a war or two before deciding to move permanently.
Hey Berry! We’re Deadly Souls, currently 27 members. We’re hitting 13* titans on average, were at 14* until we lost a couple members to real life, I have no doubt we can get there again once we fill back up! We are looking for consistency on titan hits and war flags used when opted in, that’s what we strive for ourselves. We have a coordinated tank war strategy for most wars. We do have a 2000 trophy entry requirement, it helps ensure we get active players. We’re primarily US, English speaking though our language is set to another. Some are quite chatty, others not so much, but we’re a friendly bunch. A lot of us have been together a while, so some friendly razzing takes place lol. Any need-to-know info is always shared in the featured message, and we have a line group we use as well, for communication and advice. Line is not mandatory, but encouraged. If you’d like to chat or have any questions, I can be reached at line id Aioluc, or you can contact our leader directly at line id natasmatejka.
My alliance just merger with Loot hunters. They take there war seriously. There Have more than 25 members. They are a friendly bunch of looters. I at 4500, fit in easily with the group. I have not mastered killing level 11 titians yet. It is by invite but someone will let you in.