Active P2P looking for a New Alliance

Current Alliance isn’t getting it done for me. I Pay to Play, so it is getting annoying that my team members aren’t holding up their end. Currently a Level 47 with 2392 trophies. Have been above 2400 for much of the last couple months. Will fluctuate under in defense. 100% on Titans and Alliance Wars.


Hi, what star titans are you looking for? Do you use any external apps (Line/Discord)? How many 5* heroes do you have maxed?

In our alliance, Diamond Infantry, we are fighting 13-14* titans and we don’t use Line/Discord.

More details here:

Join me. 10* titans. The Average Joes.

What type of alliance and activity are you looking for? We are more casual, so we give some leeway on missing a few hits here and there depending on circumstances. We have a range of players, and dealing with 7 to 8 star titans. War is a free for all, so if you wanted structured planned and coordinated wars, we aren’t that. We use discord as option. Darkest Hyrule.

Hello Moondog,

Read your post and we’re interested in having you folks as members :grin:. Let me begin by telling you a little about us. We are a 50/50 US/EU alliance which works out well for wars. Currently at 23 members slaying 10* Titans and occasionally an 11*.

Per our description all members hit titans daily and we have coordinated wars where of course members use all war flags. Although I can’t remember the last time we did not use all flags we do understand that real life happens and ask members to opt out of the next two wars if they miss a war flag. 2 consecutive wars with an unused flag is grounds for dismissal. Our war strategy is simple. During weekend wars leaders set farming targets and they are farmed twice before we begin flipping/FFA/mass attack which usually begins at the 12-14 hr mark on the war clock. During weekday wars we farm once then begin due to the time constraints of our European counterparts. This simple strategy has garnered us an 80% success rate.

We are a chatty group with more activity on the weekends and during wars. Some of us have been playing together for over a year and we use line to communicate as well as alliance chat. Our line group has the wise goat and albums with lots of helpful information that is updated regularly. Our goal is to find either individuals or a group of like minded players that will grow with us into slaying 11*-12* Titans.

We also have a training alliance that was created to allow some of our low level or less active players to participate in low level wars and help them fill their POV war challenge quest. This alliance currently has 17 members and is slaying 6* Titans. Members can move up to Loot Hunters when they feel they are ready. Or if members need to take a little break, going on vacation or just wanna do something a little different, they can move down to Loot Hunters Boot Camp. If you would like to discuss further you can reach me at Line ID: romanleviticus or reply here. Give us a peek, I don’t believe you’d be disappointed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hi, come check us out at crew-sapphires. We are apart of a family of different alliances. We would love to have you. If you have any questions feel free to message me line ID- ruesor

Come and check us out! We need dedicated



we are new with lots experience, can help you set up a teams for Titans for that 100k hit.
Come have a look bud

If you haven’t found a new home yet, the P2P not as important to us, as having a team player. Lots of really knowledgeable players here too that offer advice freely, which helps everyone - TBD Part Deux. 12* titans. Room for one…


Hi Moondog.

The Shop Family is one of the oldest groups in the game. We have three different Shops to choose from.

We use all flags in war and we chew through Titans.

We use Line to communicate and have a lot of fun along the way.

We are all adults, so a thick skin and a sarcastic sense of humor is definitely required.

Hi Moondog, check out Akkadian Elysium, could be just what you are looking for! We have a few F2P players in the alliance, but all are veterans with a high level and contribute very well to wars and titans. Me and a friend joined them like a year ago when our small friends alliance shrank down to just the two of us. We were very warmly welcomed and have not regretted our choice one bit. Now I have advanced to be a co-lead myself in the alliance. There are members from several different countries and time zones with a slight dominance of North America (I am from Sweden myself), and a mix of male and female members. Many members are very active in fun and interesting chat discussions regarding the game, whereas others just play the game, it is up to you. There is a real family feel to the alliance, and if needed you get a lot of support also on the personal level. We have an optional Line group which is highly recommended, where we can post pictures, ask polls etc. and also have the awesome “Wise Goat” plugin which you can ask questions regarding virtually every aspect of the game. But everyone is not using it, so it is totally up to you. Also, a few of us have started using where we have a “mirror alliance”. There we can look at each others heroes, teams etc. as a base for discussions. Like Line that is just a bonus if you like it and not required.

We have very good flag usage in wars and against titans in general, but there is a common understanding that real life issues can prevent you from playing sometimes (we do opt out of wars if we know this in advance). We usually fight 8 - 10* titans. We have a coordinated war strategy (we attack weaker targets and let them respawn in one or two attack waves before going for the all-in attack), but you can deviate from this e.g. if you need to use your flags at a certain point.

If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this post or contact me on Line (magicrebel is my ID). Or just make a join request and try us out for a while and see what you think!

We have several in our alliance that are P2P… maaaybeee including myself every now and then…But we also have some that are F2P and C2P, but everyone is active and chips in. Titan is Mandatory, and so is flag usage if you opt in. Check us out, and if it looks like a place for you - join! We are currently fighting 10-11* Titans and winning wars.

We also target the weaker teams allowing for respawns to maximize points.

Hi moondog,

Rise Against have 10-11* titans and blue tanks for war (we do change this occasionally). We currently have 27 members with tp ranging from 3800 to 4600. Our alliance score is 215k.

War strategy: defeat the weakest 6-8 teams and again once they respawn. This secures easy points. Heavy hitters should keep their flags for a reset at 12hrs on the war clock, while others help with cleanup. Probably get a 2nd reset as long as we have enough flags.

I hope to see you soon.

Thanks, Charles (line ID: charles-p )

Heroes and Horsemen

14 dedicated players killing 9-10 star titans. Why 14? Low tolerance for idiots.

Check us out.

Hi. You are very welcome to join us, an active chatty alliance. We just booted a long time player for not hitting the Titan twice in a row The 7empest. Check us out

Hi Death2U,

You interested in alliance merger still?

I think our alliances (GalacticEmpireRebelScums) are similar experience players and also low tolerance so could be a great opportunity.

West of the Equator would be a great fit for you, we do a short interview to ensure we are right fit for each other

Heres a link, discord is a must