I did what everybody has said to not do with my heroes first. In other words I leveled up my higher heroes before I leveled up my three star heroes. So what I’m asking is if anybody could take a look at my list of heroes and tell me what I should be doing as far as making a good team I’ve done as much reading as I can. However I could use a little help. This is what I have to work with.
IMHO, worthy to max rare heroes are (in the following order per element):
Ice: Gato, Nordri, Jarvur (soon, you may need to max Gunnar & costume, Vodnik, Ulmer and Chick Jr once you got them)
Fire: Namahage, Hawkmoon, Ei-Dunn, Jahangir (soon, you may need to max costumed Hawkmoon, original and costumed Azar, Bauchan, Rodulph, and Squire Wabbit once you got them)
Nature: Belith, Mnesseus (soon, you may need to max Hisan, costumed Belith, original and costumed Brienne, Shrubbear, Muggy, and By-Ulf once you got them)
Holy: Kvasir, Bane, Kailani (soon, you may need to max Melia, Pixie, costumed Bane, and Arman once you got them)
Dark: Balthazar (soon, you may need to max costumed Balthazar, Bjorn, original and costumed Tyrum, Gill-Ra, Guardian Bat, and Vlad once you got them)
Build several rainbow teams before working on higher rarity of heroes (4 & 5 star ones) as they will help you get unfarmable ascension items.
And worthy to max epic heroes are (in the following order per element):
Ice: Sonya, Kiril, Grimm (soon, you may need to max costumed Sonya, Boril & costume, and Triton once you got them)
Fire: Gormek, Boldtusk, Scarlett, Kelile, Colen (soon, you may need to max Boldtusk costume, Wilbur, and Guardian Falcon once you got them)
Nature: Hansel, Melendor, Caedmon, Kashhrek (soon, you may need to max costumed Melendor, costumed Caedmon, costumed Kashhrek, Buddy, Brynhild, Almur, and Peters once you got them)
Holy: You dont have one (soon, you may need to max Guardian Jackal, Lady Woolerton, Gullinbursti, Gretel, and Mist,once you got them)
Dark: Rigard, Tiburtus, Cyprian, Sabina (soon, you may need to max costumed Rigard, costumed Tiburtus, Proteus, Cheshire Cat, Gafar, and Merlin once you got them).
And there may be others I missed to mention. Bear in mind that there are epic heroes you may need to ascend first compared to others, i.e. Wilbur, Proteus, etc.
Level up 1-2 teams of 4 stars first before working on 3 stars, as they will help you to complete rare quests to earn ascension mats, and will make raiding and titans easier than with a 3 star team.
Green:Hansel, Caedmon, then Belith
Red:Boldtusk+Costume, Scarlett, then Namahage (level normal Boldtusk to 4-1 and then switch to his costume to quickly max it out so you can have full use of him sooner)
Blue: Sonya, Kiril, then Gato
Purple:Tiburtus, Rigard, then Balthazar
Holy: Kvasir, then Bane (Chao isn’t that good imo, but if you don’t get another yellow 4* for a while max him)
Other heroes to prioritise are Melendor, Mnesseus, Hawkmoon, Azar, Grimm, Nordri, Sabina, Cyprian, and Kailani. Leave your 5 stars for now until you have 2-3 maxed 4 and 3 stars in each colour, but in the future Clarissa, Kadilen Costume, and Richard are all worthy choices for first ascension (don’t bother with Khagan, and Richard less so if you plan to spend)
So do you think I will eventually get some of those good hero’s that you mentioned? Or should I try to make a decent team with what I have? If so, which hero’s from my roster should I work on maxing out? Advice welcomed!! Ty
I would really focus on what you have for the time being to get a few maxed teams of 3’s and 4’s. Then reassess after that if you’ve acquired some new “keepers”.
Most of those heroes I have mentioned enclosed in parentheses are easy to come by through the training camps and some summoning gates. Max them when they land on your lap if you do some summoning. It’s not like they are 5 star heroes whose odds of getting them are less than 2% from the portal. As mentioned by some posters above, level those heroes already in your roster.
Getting a good bench of 3* is kinda nessarcy for events for mats 3 * make 4* and 4* make 5*
As hero’s can be stuck in 3/60 land for ever and then have to many options.
Waiting on sheilds for zeline got Peters at 3/60 got hybrid today. Zeline takes them but got two other that are good.
IMHO, you should join a training alliance with knowledgeable and helpful people on hand to help you excel and avoid further pitfalls in your E&P journey.
Check out the Alliance Recruitment section on the forum. There are many. GL.
I somewhat agree with this statement. A 3* even with +20 talent AND maxed costume bonus is just barely equivalent to a 4* at 3/60 in terms of stats, and I do mean just barely. Each 3* needs 49918 total XP to max, and for the same amount of XP you could get a 4* to 3/21, and a 4* at 3/21 would still have better stats than a 3* at 3/50.
Obviously 3* is quite a bit cheaper in terms of food cost, but in the short to medium term, 1-2 rainbow teams of 3/60 4* would still serve you much better than 3* would. Sure have 1-2 rainbow teams of 3* ready for events, but beyond that one really should focus on getting key 4* to 3/60, while extra 3* leveling can be done in the background or when feeders/hams permit.
Just my personal comment.
I have been helping many beginning-mid level players to realize to following facts.
this game is designed for slow progress, shortcut can be done but does not actually guarantee your quick progress or getting a good squad or your success in building a good roster.
In some cases, obtaining good heroes too early is just the beginning of disaster and frustration, since players have high possibility to shift the focus to leveling up heroes rather than focusing on finding ascension materials or upgrading the town buildings.
When I began playing this game in March 2018 (28 Months ago), I was trapped in Delilah leveling up. And I face the situation that I could not even finish 3* monthly challenge to get ascension materials.
After 2 weeks, I had to stop chasing and leveling 4-5* heroes. Backed to basic of building army of 3*. Tried to finish monthly challenge and collect ascension materials from every activity available. After 8 months, I came back to my Delilah again to ascend her to tier 4.
Thank you everyone’s for your great posts! Now one more question? Who do I keep of the three star heroes that I have and who do I use as food for my other heroes? Any suggestions? I’m going to attach another screenshot of the ones I currently have as I got a few more from my training camp and costume pulls. Btw most of my 5*’s special skill are maxed but not assented stuck at 2/60
Thanks again for all your help! PS I know it’s gonna take a while I just want to know who to get rid of. Thanks
Ultra did a great job. But if you want a second opinion -
G: Belith and her costume (heal/cleanse) and Mnesseus (Brienne would be next IMHO)
R: Namahage and Hawkmoon
B: Gato and Nordri
Y: Kvasir and Bane
D: Balthazar
Those would be my immediate priorities. If you don’t pull any other recommended dark heroes, I would work on Rigard. I don’t think anyone could go wrong working on him.
Thank you to everyone who has replied to my post. Obviously you can tell I’m a newbie, so I appreciate any and all of your advice. I will do as you suggested as to ultra are you saying to feed anybody that isn’t on the list that you suggested? Anyhow thanks again for everybody’s help!
I think it is not like that, it is for priority to level, if you want to have variety keep all at least one of them, but everything is covered with Ultra.
So that feeder candidate are: Dawa and Greymane (but we still don’t know the costume version though), Prisca (even with costume).
Dawa and Prisca are 100% feeders. Renfield without his costume is also very poor. Graymane isn’t great, but if you want to hold him until you find out about the costume (it would be sad to have to level him again if he ends up being awesome in his costume).