Im confused on Hp and Def factor and emblem use. In war and raiding there is a number over the top of the hero. Sometime it is equal to the HP of that here and sometimes more. Why the More?
Then in embleming I can choose to use def or HP. The attack on my hero’s are measured in HP so what good is def? And if I’ve read 1 DEF=2HP they why doe it look like most are pushing HP?
And which will get my hero’s to last longer?
HP = Total health of a hero
DEF = Is the armour of the hero
ATT = Attack stat of the hero
More HP means hero survives more
More DEF means that a hero takes less damage from an incoming attack and thus can survive longer
In the battle field these values are modified by troops and buffs/debuffs or family bonuses, and that is why you will see different values than what you see in the card.
For emblems, players usually prefer health and defense for utility heroes like healers, and prefer attack for more striking heroes like snipers.
Also, the defense team gets a hidden 20% attack and defense boost when attacked which does not show up in the card or battlefield. So that is why players often prefer boosting defense instead of health.
helps some. On the talent track there it att/HP and Att/Def often as opposite choices, which if going to help the most for survival? Many “tanks” have HP of 1300-1500 but def in the 600’s wouldn’t a hight Def be better?
If I understand the Hp and Def of individual hero’s , the Def subtracts a portion of the hit and the rest is subtracted for the HP. The DEF acts a permanent shield so to speak but when the HP is Zero it dead.
Yes, you are kind of right. Basically if the defense is high, less HP will go from the hero. When you are choosing path you need to see what you want from the hero you are embleming. As I said for tanks and healers, defense>health>attack is the order of priority. For attackers like Lianna or Magni, the usual priority is attack > defense > health.
There are at last 2 strategies to improve your heroes with emblems.
Increase weaker stats of a hero to kompensate or increase already existing strengths to max their specialty.
Imo there’s no right or wrong and both strategies have pros and cons. Also the difference isn’t huge. The main talent and increasing whatever stats will make the difference not the chosen path imo.