What color is a Stoneskin and what colors are bad for him. We get him often lately… Thank you in advance. And is there any other hero beside Kirill where color doesn’t matter?
You’ll see a little yellow emblem. That is the color of the titan:
The strong color against him is purple.
I don’t know what you exactly mean with Kiril. He’s strong against all titans cause of his special (attack and def both +) but his tiles are only strong against a red one and weak against a green one. But nevertheless you can bring a Kiril against a titan. You and your team mates should use purple heroes against the Stoneskin Dragon and if you haven’t got enough I will recommend to take a healer with you like Kiril or Boldtusk and co
If i remember correctly the Stoneskin Drogon is Holy so a dark team is required. you can use either Boldtusk or Kiril for attack buff if you wish but mainly foucs on dark heroes. Tiburtus or Cheshire cat to drop defence and then the dark heroes with highest attack power.
depending on your bench Wu, Tarlak, Miki, Ranvir will boost attack further
Thank you! See I never payed attention to that. I always looked at the dragon lol
Yes that was my question if there is another hero who can go with any Titan besides Kiril. Boldie is always with me I love his skill.
I have enough but they’re still weak.
I use to go with my rainbow with the best and most maxed and despite the color.
I’m not that far no Miki, no Wu etc
I have Tib but still low lvl but Boldie was always with me. And Kiril finaly!
If you’d like to post a picture of the heroes you have is be happy to help make up some teams with you.
I have built a guide but it only covers epic and ledgendary heroes, the same rules apply to using rare heroes though
You should bring antidotes as well against this titan. IIRC it’s the only one that casts an ailment in the beginner level titans
@DaveCozy there is the Venomtail Dragon that reduces attack to everyone, Tyhpoon Dragon that blinds, and that stoneskin one causes poison.
Beginner level titans are Ember Dragon, Water Dragon, Emerald Dragon, Night Dragon, and Stoneskin Dragon. These are the ones that can range from 1* to low HP 4*s
Venomtail and Typhoon dragons are usually 6* to low HP 8* iirc.
@DaveCozy So 5*s aren’t considered beginner titans then?
You could depending on perspective, but none of the high HP 4* - low HP 6* ones (Raging Hydra, Primal Lizard, Goblin King, Demon Lord, Ancient Colossus) deal any ailments either.
For some reason it’s only the Stoneskin one that deals DoT, below the 6* range of titans.
I definitely consider 6* and above to be more mid-game myself though, as that’s where ailments start becoming more common, and you need to use items more to start surviving the fights (assuming here that your roster is more heavy with 3*s than 4*s at this point).
@DaveCozy I know my roster of four stars is slowly growing, still have a slew of 3 stars but I only take them to color stack. For the most part 4 out of the 5 slots are 4 stars. Whenever an ailment is present (only cleanser I have is Gill-Ra) I normally take antidotes. I still personally consider 5 stars to be the higher beginner bracket.
There’s my Auntie good to know. Thanks. It’s fun fighting with Titans lol
Okay and now all this in beginner language please
1st thing I’d recomend is finish what you start. Lots of part levelled heroes are not as good as 5 finished ones.
Only feed colour to colour so you get most experience per unit of ham consumed.
Your team for the stoneskin will be Kiril or Boldtusk, Tiburtus renfeld balthazar and the strongest hero you have. Tiburtus as your only defence dropper will probably go to every titan until you get the ones in other elements
Personally I would get a few more 3 * finished before doing the 4. And the amazing Kingston will have to wait his turn until you are more advanced in the game