How do you keep 4 TCs busy

Stepping back for a second, I guess my idea may sound crazy to a lot of people but I’m at the point where I have most of the good 4* except maybe Rigard.

So I am not really looking for 4*

I’m trying to maximise my chances of a 5* - hence I don’t mind if everything else is put on hold and I have 4 TCs at TC20.

So it sounds extreme but I wouldn’t want 3 TC20s and 1 TC13 if the TC13 can be converted to TC20.

However, if you already have a few 5* then I agree that my method is a waste of time because the focus is on feeding.

I guess the first question to ask is: Do you want a 5 star or are you hungry?

If you are hungry, ignore what I am doing.

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4* heroes are the backbone of this game. Until you have two of each five colors leveled, I would not counsel training a 5* hero.


Then a tc12 as a bank, which is my sustem, or a tc11 seems more efficient. At the very least, run only one tc20 with a queue.

Thanks, I’ll consider it.

I’m not sure I entirely agree with this, I guess it depends which 4* heroes you are talking about.

EDIT: I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on this @Kerridoc

Although I agree that 4* are the backbone of this game, if you have the ascension materials on hand and have adequate 4*, I can’t see why you wouldn’t aim for 5* heroes. Having some 5* heroes will make farming rare mats easier in those challenge events or rare quests.

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If you’ve got the mats to complete a 5*, then go for it. But if your 4* squad is short-handed, then it’s far better (almost always, exceptions exist) to have a solid 4* team.

  1. A 4/70 4* has higher stats than a 3/70 5*. The quality of the special may not offset this gap, particularly because the special is often tied to one of those stats.
  2. Good 4* heroes can get through the legendary tier of challenge events, but you can’t bring 5* to the epic tier. Completion loot is good at both tiers, so make sure you can complete them.

I agree.

Before I pulled Drake, I used a 4* team plus 3 timestops to get through legendary challenge events.

However I’m at that point now where, with the exception of Guardian Jackal or Rigard, a 4* won’t add much to my squad. I have most asc mats needed for a complete rainbow 5*.

Now that I have Fong, challenge events and Rare quests are much easier. Quintus is giving me a headache though because I don’t want to use my tabards on him but I could change my mind.

Your rule about doubling up on 4* only applies, I think, to when 5* asc mats are unavailable ie. as you say, when a player can’t complete their 5*. But perhaps that was implied and I’ve made an unnecessary meal of it.

Thanks for the clarification @Kerridoc

It’s more what you’d call a guideline. :wink:

It sounds like you have a solid 4* team, so off to the 5* races!

Let’s do some math:

So, if you farm on 8-7, you can have 18-20 recruits per hour. If you deviate to other provinces, the average can drop to 10. Let’s assume 10 recruits per hour, so for 2 day the budget will be 480 recruits.

Let’s have some other math to figure out recruit costs for the same period of time (2 days):

TC20 takes 100 recruits per 2 days
TC13 takes 80 recruits per 2 days
TC11 takes 2 recruits for 2 hours = 48 recruits per 2 days
TC1 takes 5 recruits for 10 minutes = 1440 recruits per 2 days
TC2 takes 5 recruits for 30 minutes = 480 recruits per 2 days
TC4 takes 4 recruits for 3 hours = 64 recruits per 2 days
TC5-8 takes 5 recruits for 1 hour = 240 recruits per 2 days

So, to actually keep your 4 TC busy, you need to choose TC levels so they won’t be more than your 480 recruits per 2 day budget.

So, basically, you can’t run TC1 or TC2 all the time at all! You can run them to burn through excess of recruits, but then switch to TC11/TC4/TC5-8.

If you run TC20, you can also have TC5-8 and TC4 and still accumulate recruits.

If you want best hero per recruit ratio, you need to aim to TC19 and TC11, since they give you 1 hero per 2 recruit. If you’re recruit-bound and not meat-bound or material-bound, that’s a good solution.

Personally, I used to run 2 TC20 and 2 TC11, switching one from time to time to TC19 to burn extra recruits. I wouldn’t advise running TC1 at all, since TC3 is much better if you do have enough meat.

Right now I have one TC20 running and 3 TC11, one of them I switch either to TC3 or TC19 for an hour or so, depending on what materials I have on my hands.


I use 3 tc 20 and one tc 2, the last one only when i got spare recruits i run at least 2 trainings in all tc 20 at all time so they keep on going.

That’s exactly what I’m coming to conclude, thanks, working that way.

Depending on situation I’m sure this can be converted into XP/hr to maximize existing heroes vs training new 4-5*.

I’m still trying to train more heroes I don’t have 4* with some hope for an occasional 5*. The balance is is ever changing.

I definitely agree, TC4 burns twice as much recruits as TC11 AND takes twice as long. Level that one to TC11 ASAP.

I never use TC4, just TC 1-3.

That’s also part of the reason TC 1 and 2 burn a lot of recruits, 5 per pop that’s why you’re running out of recruits so much. TC11 is the answer.

I just got to SH8 and only have 1 tc at lvl 7. Would Like to know the best way to start leveling up tc’s and when to get them. How many do I need to have in the next SH’s and at what lvl. What lvl should I keep each tc and which is the best way to use them. I’m confused how some are saying they keep each tc at different levels for different use. Can you run all training camps at the same time?
I want to plan and prepare so I don’t get stuck and want to be able to use them efficiently.
Lots of questions, just want to get it right.

For past 2 months I ran x2 TC20 and 2 TC11
Now all 4 are tc11 … I got enough heroes to level em up.


Jedon got a haircut!


Yaaah hahaha xD
So only 2 notice it … @KLinMayhem and Rigs nice mates and thanks :smile:

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I basically do this:

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A key factor not often mentioned is the strategies vary depending on f2p vs p2p.

Look for video Zero’s base reveal where he speed levels a 5*. He is a spender which allowed him to not develop a tc20 at that time.