Hey guys just wondering if tc 13 is worth training?

I’ve been on TC13 for 3 months or so. The result: Boril, Colen and around 98 of the most expensive three star heroes I could buy.


I’ve got two TC3s, a TC11, and my eventual TC20 currently at 17.

I’m constantly running my TC3s, ad I have a LOT of leveling to do. Don’t we all. Right now I have 1600 recruits stored in TC11. When I’m building something else aside from my eventual TC20, I run that TC at 11 and double that output on demand. When I have the resources and attention back on my TC building, I pull the recruits from that TC, put them back on my TC11, and away we build.

I’m nearing level 38. I have plenty of heroes to level while I wait to get to TC20. I also prioritized SH20 (now at SH21), so I ran two TC11s for a long time.

I had crap luck running TC13. I should have never researched it and spent the ham elsewhere.

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Expensive in terms of food and recruits, yes. But compared to spending 300 gems for a 3*… I’d rather get my 3* from TCs.


I don’t think it’s worth it.

I did research it and didn’t get a single 4* before I gave up on it

Just rush to TC20

I ran a TC13 for about a month or two. I think I got two 4* from it in that time.

That’s certainly nothing fantastic, but at the time I was in need of both 3s and 4s and it’s a long grind to TC20. Remember, you’re not just upgrading the TC itself, you have to upgrade the SH first, and you have to continually upgrade your iron storages to even hold enough iron to upgrade anything else, which means you’re using tons of iron and need more iron, so you have to upgrade your mines to get iron quicker, then you have to do the research which requires food, so you have to upgrade your food storages to hold enough food, and also upgrade your farms to produce food faster, then as if that wasn’t enough, you also have to make sure to upgrade your houses so that you can hold enough recruits at one time to even feed TC20…

Yes, by all means, “rush” to TC20! Usually only takes 3-7 days (each!) to research something or upgrade a building at those levels. Rush, rush, rush! Hurry now! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Thanks for all the great advice everyone. Considering what I’ve heard and since I’m mostly free to play I think I will run tc 13 until I get it to 20

I’m certainly not suggesting that anyone (f2p or otherwise) focus entirely on TC13… it’s a solid producer for a steady stream of 3* heroes if you need them, however…

I don’t know how many TCs you currently have or what level they’re at? If you only have 3 TCs, you will probably want at least one of them up to 11 for slow training… slow training will provide you a steady stream of inexpensive feeder heroes for leveling, especially if you’re going to be offline for a while, plus it’s a great place to stash extra recruits when your houses are full. TC13 is also a nice slow place to stash extra recruits and to fill your 3* rosters, but it’s certainly not a reliable source of epics.

If you only have 3 TCs, I would recommend you keep one at 11 for slow. The other 2 you have 3 different options (decide based on your individual needs):

  • Reserve one mainly for leveling up and research; this one will be busy most of the time so you won’t be able to use it much for hero / feeder production

  • Reserve one for TC13 (or TC12 if you only want 3* and/or aren’t willing to spend the additional resources for a small chance at pulling a 4*)

  • Reserve one just for simple feeders (TC3 or 19 for fast feeders, 2 for backpack uncommons, 1 for sword commons, or one of the other various middle levels if you’re only looking for specific colors)

Personally I currently have two TC20s and two other TC11s, my next project is to get a third TC to 19 so that I can potentially simultaneously run slow, two legendaries and fast (or some other combination, whatever best suits my needs at the time)


Yeah i run one tc 4 once tc 11 and and soon one tc 13

TC4 is obsolete if you have already TC11, TC4 is mini TC11, better is move all recruits from TC4 to TC11, then use the other for TC1 or TC2 depend on sword/backpack.

My playsyle like this before TC20.

  1. TC11 - stanby as many as we can put, this is for recruit stock
  2. TC13 - stanby if we have overload food
  3. TC1/TC2 - depend on sword/backpack

After SH20 and TC20:

  1. TC11 - stanby as many as we can put, this is for recruit stock
  2. TC20 - stanby if we have overload food
  3. TC1/TC2 - depend on sword/backpack
  4. TC19 if has many food, recruits and cloth, otherwise stay at TC11 or TC20 depend on needed.

For further reference (as a mostly C2P player myself):

I’ve been playing for just over a year, with VIP active for most of that time. 2 builders comes in really handy early on, not so much later, but I still like the price-per-gem ratio for VIP ($50 for almost 11,000 gems, nearly 1100 loot tickets, 365 emblems and 365 extra feeder summons if you collect every day).

Only having 1 builder means that you are going to be waiting a lot longer for those initial buildings to upgrade, but that becomes less important later on as the iron cost for upgrading will eventually catch up to (or exceed) the amount of time it takes to upgrade.

Base and building-wise, I currently have:
Barracks 9
Hunter’s Lodge 1
2x TC20
2x TC11
2x Crafting Forge 20
Advanced Iron Storage 2
4x Iron Storage 20
Advanced Food Storage 2
3x Food Storage 20
Advanced House 1
3x House 20
Advanced Mine 10
3x Mine 20
Advanced Farm 4
8x Farm 20

As you can see, at just over 1 year of playtime, I’m almost done upgrading all of my “regular” buildings (using 2 builders but also not being regularly active every day). I’m really hitting a wall in terms of iron production, as I use it faster than my mines can produce it, but that’s a minor issue (other players have problems getting enough food, we all have our struggles).

And also I agree with @jinbatsu there is really very little need to take your lowest TC past level 2 as long as you already have other TCs that can serve the functions of fast/slow/rare-legendary training, etc.


This “rush” means several months even with VIP second builder. I got Tiburtus and Kiril out of my TC13… 2 very useful heroes…and had enough time to max them. Besides this I was able to collect all missing classic 3* heroes as I now have 29 maxed 3* heroes.

You can go from start to TC13 in ~30 days, another 50 days to hit SH20. With VIP of course.

My results with TC13 were not that great, I believe 1/0/3 4* across accounts before switching to TC20. It depends on how much you summon and purchase. You can store food in TC11 as well, you will have plenty of recruits.

Always a good idea to keep the last TC at 11. Even with Atlantis Rising, you will run out of swords and backpacks and have to do slow trainings at some point. Although, this month I have a ton of flasks due to the bump from Avalon rewards.

TC 13 is worth researching & using until you get to TC 20. Note that people have said things like this as an example:

It’s a good stop-gap to get you 3* and 4* heroes you need for your roster while you are on your way to TC 20. That’s especially true if you are playing for free or for cheap, and do0n’t always or ever have 2 builders.

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Is that just for the building itself? Or is that including the time to level up mines and iron storage for the buildings, farms and food storage for the research, as well as enough houses to hold 100 recruits?

I’m not doubting you, I haven’t done the math myself, I’m just curious. I didn’t get up to 20 quite that fast, but I was also working on crafting and research at every level (for both forge and TC). I’m sure I could have done it faster had I prioritized TC20 instead of spreading my builders across all buildings more or less evenly.

If you don’t play the lottery portal it’s neccesary until reaching level 20. After putting my tc13 to work I have pulled more 3* heroes from the free summon

I did 93 days. That includes getting to SH20, and also getting TC to 20 and developing the new SH20 buildings a bit. I didn’t have VIP the whole way and certainly wasn’t prioritizing TC20 as much as I could have. Then 7 more days to research Legendary training. Got the housing up to necessary level during research.

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… and this morning Richard (3rd this summer). 3 in a row, but this is not my record. I had 5 in a row (so, in 10 days), with a total of 7 one month. Like I already posted at other thread, I discovered my own trick to get a 5* every week. Or is just coincidence. Or just pure luck.

You’re gonna love working on advanced buildings. And by ‘love’ i mean hate.


30 days to actively using TC13. I only reached that on the third time around and kept track. I didn’t personally hit TC20 in 80 days but it has been documented. I have a spreadsheet that also shows it can be done mathematically. You really need to not focus too much on battle items and put full priority on buildings over hero levelling.

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I was just curious on the math. Most of my alliance members are F2P or C2P and they’re trying to get their TCs up to 20, but also trying to level up their war teams at the same time, so it’s taking them a while.