Helping hands needed to select heroes

Hi everyone !
I’m coming to the forum today because i’m starting to feel a little clueless about which road i should go.

I’m at lvl 29, with Stronghold at 18.
My main goal each new level is to max everything at the same level than the Stronghold, rushing Mine, Farm and Stockage buildings.
I just have one Training Camp at 18, the other are 13, i just used them to create 2* 1* heroes with minimum ressources, to level the other one.

At campaign i’m stuck at S1 21-1 and S2 5-4. Everyday i usually focus War, Titan, DailyChest (Faming S1 8-7, according to May and Barry Farm Guide).

Here is the list of my heroes, i’ve been keeping 3* heroes to participate in War or some Quests, but i’ve reached the maximum heroes (Currently at 120, i’ve used Gems to upgrade the maximum amount) and i’ve been wondering “Are they all good ?”. I’ve watched the 2023 poll, so i know for sure that my second Prisca can go to the garbage, but if you could help me it would be wonderful !

If i’ve doing something wrong, if you got any tips, feel free to give it to me !
I’ve got 3k Gems, should i continue expand my Heroes capacity ? Thanks everyone !

Thanks everyone ! (Sorry for the bad english)


Season 1 are mostly dark heroes at this point if I remember correctly, and so I would concentrate on holy heroes that can help you.
I remember when I did Season 1, I struggled but then I got Kailani, she was a game changer and helped me drastically and I was able to do everything including the boss easier.

So, I would max 1 of your Kailani and hopefully if you can, put emblems on her.
Li Xiu will also be great to max and give emblems too - even for the future too if you get her costumes, she will be even more amazing.
Wu Kong, I hate this guy because of the accuracy but when he does hit, he can do a lot of damage for you so it’s worth using him too.

Obviously, healers are also important, so I would probably concentrate on a couple of red or blue to go with these yellows.
Kiril is always amazing, and you have costumes too so even better. And also Boldtusk is fantastic.

From what you have, I would probably go with (and try to max and put emblems on):

Sun Shangxiang

Li Xiu
Wu Kong

These are for helping with season 1.


You can ditch all unleveled doubles of the S1 3* heros.
Since you already have Gunnar maxed Kailani is nice to have but not a top priority.
Unfortunately you have maxed Brother Tuck so keep him for now.
I would not ascend Jabbar any further.
If you have the mats ascend Kiril first because you will use him a long time and the costume will be cheap to level up to give him even more power.
Next priority might be Li Xiu for general game play including raids or Wu Kong for titans.
Max Jahangir.
Boldtusk is another strong hero you would like to max if you get the mats after Kiril and Li Xiu.
Seccond blue 4* would be Sonya you will use her for a long time to come,
Keep working on the Cheshire Cat until something better comes around. :slight_smile:
Your green roster is weak and small so unfortunately you will have to level Carver for more depth or a seccond Mnessus or Berden.
They are both ok but unfortunately doe the same thing.
Since you are short on resources in this phase run TC11 for feeders and 13 for hopefully 4* heros once in a while.
Always color feed your heros if at all possible which means you will be leveling 5 heros together.
If you have a 3* and a 4* hero of the same color you want to level feed 1* heros to the 3* until his special is maxed. Higher level feeders go to the 4*.
I assume you are ftp.
Should you decide to spend any/some money the best thing in this phase would be the vip pass.
I would not spend money but that is my opinion. :slight_smile:
Save your epic hero tokens ( gold coins ) for the seasonal events.
Save you gems for summoning gates where you can not get S1 heros.
Watch mystic vision as often as possible.
It gives out keyes for the costume portal summons which is a great portal.
Dont forget this game is a marathon and not a sprint event. :slight_smile:

I wish you the best of luck and lots of fun in the game. :+1:


Feed away all 2star and 1 star heroes. Also the ones you started to upgrade.
Feed away all duplicate S1 3star heroes (and also the copy of 4star Chao)
Feed away all the trainer heroes

All of this will free up lots of space and you loose nothing you need to keep, while improving the heroes you actually can use.

yellow: Li Xiu, Sally
purple: Chochin, Balthazar, maybe the cat
red: Sun Shang, Boldtusk, Costume for Nashgar, Gormek
green: no high priority, but Carver or copies of Mnesseus/Berden is probably most useful in green, but I guess I would rather use the feeders on a hero in a different color that has higher priority, until you get something more interesting in green…
blue: Kiril, Sonya, Ulmer, Jarvur, Karil


Thank you everyone for yours answers !
I’m gonna work on this !

Just an additionnal question, is second Chao that useless ?
And i saw that Leonidas wasn’t that good, on his guide on the forum, he was my priority actually in Yellow, but should i focus Li Xiu more ?

Is Boril only good for war ? I just maximize him for Frontlane in War after prioritizing Kiril and Sonya ?

Thanks again for all the advices even outside the heroes :slight_smile:

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second heroes are usually worth less, it is better to ascend a hero, that gives some new capabilities. Chao is not bad, but before you will be able to ascend him you will get someone else in this color.

Leonidas is OK, the more if you have his costume, but on your level you will probably not be able to fully ascend him. So leave him for later, first focus on lower-level heroes that are cheaper and faster to get their full value.

No. I would even say, war defence is not where he is most useful. Mainly because not many alliances now run blue tanks, and this is the only position for him in defence. And riposte is quite easy to dispel.
His main use is in events and map levels, agains heavy-hitting bosses and in attack teams against defences based on AOE hitters. Few years ago he was the main counter to Bertila tanks.

In my opinion, your priorities should be now:
Purple: Balthasar, then LB+emblem Balthasar & Tyrum,
Yellow: Sally (+emblem & LB) Kailani+costume, Dawa+costume (+emblem & LB),
Blue: Karil, Jarvur, then emblem+LB heroes you use most
Green: second Mnesseus, LB+emblem Belith + at least one Mnesseus, better both, one with emblem path for base, second for costume.
Red: Jahangir, then emblem + LB him and Hawkmoon.

From your roster it looks like you don’t have enough ascension mats to get your 4* to max level, so for thr time being leve them.
Remember, that emblemed and LBd 3* is much stronger than even fully ascended but unemblemed 4* and costs much less.
And emblemed + LBd 3* team can take you much further, into S3, S4 and many events.


Boril will be important in some of the emblem trials, at least early on. (Essentially makes Boss Horghall kill himself.)

As others have said, you generally don’t need doubles, particularly of 3-4*. If you get Proteus, you will find use for two of him for a while. Wilbur and his costume are radically different, and you probably want two of him eventually, unless you get another red to cover one of those usage cases. My best titan hits are with my double Wilbur team.

Li Xiu is really annoying to face. I have personally not used her that often, but I got her pretty late in the game. I think that she will generally be preferable to Chao, as she delays all enemies firing with her mana cut, and not just one.

Kiril is a key blue hero, particularly if you get his costumes eventually.

Leonidas was my first 5* yellow, so he has a spot in my heart, but an average-speed sniper is not ideal these days. (On the other hand, his costumes are another story.)

Rule of thumb would be to have at least enough teams to cover all your war hits – i.e. 30 good 4* / exceptional 3* – before spending too much effort on 5*. Though doing one here and there is O.K.


Well, if you want good results in war, you should build your roster depth, not strength. As a rule of thumb: you should have six attack teams able to successfully attack the strongest defence team you can field.


I’d like to add that when doing your buildings, maybe back off on mines. I haven’t touched a mine in forever, yet I still have too much iron.


I’m Level 58 and I have used gems to get my roster capacity up to 185 heroes. You will want more space in your hero roster capacity, but not now.

Save your gems for now, until you have at least 3400 gems for a 10-pull in the Birthday Summons coming up in March. It looks to be similar to the Summer Solstice and Black Friday summons, which have no Season 1 heroes and are good for newish players to get a variety of useful 4-star and 3-star heroes.


How many costumes of Leonidas do you have? His second costume make him incredibly useful for many things - there other costumes are useful as well. You have already used the orbs to take him to 3.30something. Have you powered up the costume(s) at all? If not, you might at least level the costume(s) to 2.60 for the costume stat bonus, which can make him very strong for your roster - it depends on how many costumes you have.

As many have already said, Li Xiu is good and will help you - even more if you get her costumes later.

If you don’t have any orbs to level up Li Xiu, then you can always work on starting to level Leo’s costumes - or some of the 3 star yellows that others have mentioned.

Also, as others have said, you can take your time leveling heroes on color and using 1 star feeders for 3 star heroes or costumes and save the better feeders for 4 star heroes (or Leo if you work on him). This will take longer, but it is resource efficient.

What others said about your roster space - good advice! In fact, there is a lot of good advice given above! :slight_smile:


Wow !
Wasn’t expecting that much of answers and so many good advices !
Once again, thanks everyone !

Thanks, i’ll switch him so !

Thanks ! I was thinking the opposite !

Got it :stuck_out_tongue:

Roger that

It’s actually what i lack, feel good to know i will have too much one day

Don’t have the orbs, i’m gonna spend on other !

Sorry if i didn’t personnaly answered some of you, i want to say thanks once again for all your advices, i don’t feel lost anymore and i’m gonna try to progress further !


you got a lot of good advice already. I will add a thought -

When I was newer, I kept a lot of second heroes/duplicates. now though, after playing more than 5 years, I realized that many heroes do similar things. not identical, but similar. similar enough that I don’t need duplicates.

from your roster, Prisca and Renfeld have identical specials - you could even consider keeping only one of them, and not keep 1 of each.

Mnesseus and Belith both dispel, Mnesseus does hit while Belith does heal, so good to keep both - but you probably don’t need more than 1 Mnesseus and 1 Belith.



Hi again @QBFoxx -

I generally agree with Sleepyhead’s advice about duplicates. But I will disagree about Belith. I think you should keep both Beliths for a long time, especially because you already maxed two of her. (Oh I see the second one does not have her special skill maxed yet though.) She’s a very good healer as dispel is super useful and she’s pretty sturdy for a 3-star, Especially if you get her costume to beef up her numbers and increase her mana speed. (By the way, when you choose the emblem path for any hero, it is a good rule of thumb to always choose the mana boosting path.)

It comes in handy to have lots of healers (5 or more in each color, eventually, for Contest of Elements) for events like contest of elements and tavern of legends, where you can only use each hero once or twice.

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Yes, even the first one is not very good, but for FTP he can be useful until you get better heroes (or costumes)

Absolutely! Li Xiu is great. Leonidas is mediocre (if we want to stay positive). The only reason why he looks good to you is because he has 5 stars :wink: Once you get other 5 star heroes, he won´t look that great anymore. If you are FTP he is probably worth keeping anyway as you will eventually have extra mats and no heroes to level and well he´s better than nothing :slight_smile:

You need 30 heroes for war, so yes he is useful for war. He is not bad at all as a tank on defense, because his stats arevery tanky and you can absolutely also use him on offense. Counterattack is a good strategy to use against defenses that have strong multihitter heroes who will kill themselves, so you don´t have to do it :slight_smile: But Kiril (healing is an even more important skill) and Sonya (because of her costumes) simply have higher priority. But nothing wrong with Boril after that.


Any revision to your opinion about Leonidas given that the original poster has his costume(s)? I think with costumes he is good.
Also see Axiom’s post above on Leonidas and his costumes.

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Ah yes, I did miss the costumes, sorry. Definitely more than a good hero then! Absolutely worth maxing out later on, but it will be a long time before he has the mats to do so. But yes feeding heroes into Leo and all his costumes makes sense when stuck on the immediate projects.

Actually since the original already is at ascension 3, I would stop working on the original and instead bring the second Costume (the hit-all version) to 3/70, that should be a very powerful hero at this level of the game. After that working on other costumes would boost the C2 stats further. The original is actually the least useful one to level until the final ascension mats are complete.


thanks @TeamRedeye . It’s a good point to consider, where is one in the game. I had lots of dupes whom I’ve fed away now, but earlier they did help me out in some parts of the game :slight_smile:

I guess it also does depend on: is the player working on someone else, is there a better alternative in their roster they could work on instead, etc. :slight_smile:

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